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ASE CLI configuration of IGMP Snooping

ASE CLI configuration of IGMP Snooping

Symptoms -  CPU of ASE switch and the network is slow or not responding


Diagnosis - LEDS show traffic is nearly constant, management access to the switch is slow to not responsive.  Interface stats show a majority of multicast traffic or is counting up faster than other traffic.

Solution - IGMP Snooping


IGMP/MLD Snooping

IP multicast reduces the IP broadcasting data traffic efforts by forwarding the data frames to only those
network devices that expect the designated frames proposing group registration. It is commonly
deployed for triple play services (data, voice, and video), such as a network conference system and
video on demand (VOD).

ASE IPMC, which includes IGMP and MLD protocol support, manages the IP multicast group
registration.  Snooping works at the layer 2 MAC level but it handles the IP IGMP (layer 3) control
messages to dedicate a layer 2 MAC forwarding table.
For IPMC snooping, the system needs to be in router mode where the following two roles are defined.
• Querier transmits IPMC queries and is responsible for triggering multicast address determination.
• Non-querier routers not selected as querier in the same broadcast domain, such as a VLAN.


ASE IGMP Defaults


 IGMP Snooping Setup Using ICLI


Execute the following steps to set up IGMP snooping using ICLI.

  1.  Enters global configuration mode.

              configure terminal


# configure terminal



  1.  Sets up unknown flooding, SSM range, or IPv4 multicast data forwarding. (Optional)

ip igmp { ssm-range <ipv4_mcast> | unknown-flooding }


(config)# ip igmp unknown-flooding



  1.  Creates and enters (IP) VLAN interface configuration mode with the specific VLAN ID or list. 
    This list includes all VLANs that you would like to have IGMP snooping, running.

interface vlan <vlan_list>

Example 1

(config)# int vlan 1-3,5

Example 2

(config)# interface vlan 1


  1.  Enables the designated (IP) VLAN interface IGMP snooping function.

ip igmp snooping


(config-if-vlan)# ip igmp snooping



  1.  Sets up IGMP VLAN interface specific configurations. (Optional)

ip igmp snooping


compatibility { auto | v1 | v2 | v3 } | last-member-query-interval <0-31744>

| priority <0-7> |

querier address <ipv4_ucast> |

querier election |

query-interval <1-31744> |

query-max-response-time <0-31744> | robustness-variable <1-255> | unsolicitedreport-

interval <0-31744>



(config-if-vlan)# ip igmp snooping querier election



  1.  Exits from interface configuration mode and returns to global configuration mode.



(config-if-vlan)# exit



  1.  Enables the global IGMP snooping function.

ip igmp snooping


(config)# ip igmp snooping



  1.  Returns to privileged EXEC mode.



(config)# end



  1.  Saves settings in the configuration file. (Optional)

copy running-config startup-config


# copy running-config startup-config


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Version history
Last update:
‎10-22-2021 09:59 AM
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