Why are my devices that were learned on the port, showing static MAC addresses in the MAC Table?
MAC address learned on a port are normally shown as dynamic ( dynamically learned ) MAC addresses, but this will change with some security settings.
Port security is the reason for the mac addresses being static here -
With port security:
NV1560# show run interface GigabitEthernet 1/4
Building configuration...
interface GigabitEthernet 1/4
no poe mode
qos trust tag
speed auto 10 100 1000
description Connected to Customer LAN and VoIP Phones
NV1560# show mac address-table
Type VID MAC Address Ports
Static 1 00:0c:29:c9:70:74 GigabitEthernet 1/4
Static 1 a4:ba:db:1d:c5:39 GigabitEthernet 1/4
Without port security:
NV1560# show run interface gig 1/4
Building configuration...
interface GigabitEthernet 1/4
no poe mode
qos trust tag
speed auto 10 100 1000
description Connected to Customer LAN and VoIP Phones
NV1560# show mac address-table
Type VID MAC Address Ports
Dynamic 1 00:0c:29:c9:70:74 GigabitEthernet 1/4
Dynamic 1 a4:ba:db:1d:c5:39 GigabitEthernet 1/4