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I have bluesocket and the older 160's the problem I have is with the 160's locking up or 'going down'

I have bluesocket and the older 160's.

The problem I have is with the 160's locking up or 'going down' in any case not passing traffic and users can't sign on, even though they are typing in the correct passphrase or they have already established a connection and

when they try to reconnect it doesn't.

Rebooting is all that fixes but they got to the point of locking up in just a few days. i finally replaced the 160's (2 of them in admin buildings) and the new ones worked great until here lately, the 5g channnel was locked or wouldn't

authenticate so I'm wondering if there is something within the network that could cause this?

any thoughts?


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Re: I have bluesocket and the older 160's the problem I have is with the 160's locking up or 'going down'

I am unfamiliar with that model, isn't NetVanta series??