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I am using the default ssl certificate that came pre-installed on the BSC. Why am I receiving a certificate error from the browser indicating the certificate was not issued by a trusted certificate authority?

I am using the default ssl certificate that came pre-installed on the BSC. Why am I receiving a certificate error from the browser indicating the certificate was not issued by a trusted certificate authority?

Q: I am using the default ssl certificate that came pre-installed on the BSC. Why am I receiving a certificate error from the browser indicating the certificate was not issued by a trusted certificate authority?

A: Examples of the browser error include:

Internet Explorer: "The security certificate presented by this website was not issued by a trusted certificate authority."

Firefox: "The certificate is not trusted because it is self signed."

Safari: "Authentication failed because the server certificate is not trusted."

By default the BSC uses a pre-installed SSL certificate that is self-signed by Bluesocket. You will receive a certificate error from the browser indicating the certificate was not issued by a trusted certificate authority because the certificate is self-signed by Bluesocket and Bluesocket is not a trusted root certificate authority like Verisign or Godaddy for example. There are two ways to stop the generation of this web browser certificate error. Install the Bluesocket self-signed certificate on every client in the browser's list of trusted root certificate authorities, or install an SSL Certificate Provided by a CA such as VeriSign or Godaddy on the BSC that is already in the client's list of trusted root certificate authorities.

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Last update:
‎09-05-2012 03:31 PM
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