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I cannot make more than one client connection to a Microsoft file share over the BSC. Are there any known issues with Microsoft file shares and the BSC?

I cannot make more than one client connection to a Microsoft file share over the BSC. Are there any known issues with Microsoft file shares and the BSC?

Q: I cannot make more than one client connection to a Microsoft file share over the BSC. Are there any known issues with Microsoft file shares and the BSC?

A:See Microsoft Knowledgebase article:

When two client computers try to use the server message block (SMB) protocol to connect to the same server across a network address translation (NAT) device, the more recent client connection may reset the earlier client connection. If a client and a server that use the SMB protocol over a NAT device are copying files, that session may be reset when another client uses the SMB protocol over the same NAT device to the same server. By default the BSC NATs the managed networks to the protected interface IP address. Bluesocket¿s recommendation is to disable NAT on the BSC. Go to network>managed>click to edit the appropriate managed interface/vlan and uncheck NAT the addresses to the protected interface address. You will need to add a route back to that managed network in your router on the protected network. For example if the managed network is and the protected interface ip address is you would have to add the following route to your router:

ip route

You also need to make sure the managed network for example is Natted out your firewall.

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Last update:
‎09-05-2012 03:33 PM
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