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Why is my BSAP-1800v2 showing up as a BSAP-1840 under wireless>AP in the BSC?

Why is my BSAP-1800v2 showing up as a BSAP-1840 under wireless>AP in the BSC?

Q: Why is my BSAP-1800v2 showing up as a BSAP-1840 under wireless>AP in the BSC?

A: BSAP-1800v2 require a minimum of software, Bluepatch version 1, and ap firmware 6.5.0-15. If you are not running these software/firmware minimums, please upgrade to the latest software/firmware avaiable at If you installed the BSAP-1800v2 without and Bluepatch version 1 or ap firmware 6.5.0-15 they will be recognized as BSAP-1840's. After upgrading to the latest software/firmware, delete the aps from wireless>ap. They should rediscover as 1800v2.

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Version history
Last update:
‎09-05-2012 01:46 PM
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