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I am associated to the access point but if I go to Status>Active Connections>APs in the BSC why don't I see my client associated?

I am associated to the access point but if I go to Status>Active Connections>APs in the BSC why don't I see my client associated?

Q: I am associated to the access point but if I go to Status>Active Connections>APs in the BSC why don't I see my client associated?

A: The BSC polls the BSAPs for the information displayed under Status>Active Connections>APs based on the "Time in minutes between checking APs" setting under wireless>AP. By default this is set to 10 minutes so the BSAPs will be polled every 10 minutes for this information. Adjust to 1 minute.

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Version history
Last update:
‎09-05-2012 03:20 PM
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