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My BSC-600/1200 did not automatically power back on after several quick power failures. I had to remove the power cord from the power supply, plug it back in, and press the ON/OFF button. Is this normal?

My BSC-600/1200 did not automatically power back on after several quick power failures. I had to remove the power cord from the power supply, plug it back in, and press the ON/OFF button. Is this normal?

Q: My BSC-600/1200 did not automatically power back on after several quick power failures. I had to remove the power cord from the power supply, plug it back in, and press the ON/OFF button. Is this normal?

A: The BSC-600/1200 power supply is designed to protect itself. It has a protected mode feature that often times not only saves the power supply unit from being blown out but also the motherboard and other components from being damaged. If there was an abrupt power spike, or the power went off, came on, went off again, the power supply is put into protected mode. Once it's in protected mode, the normal solution is to remove the power cord from the power supply for roughly 30 seconds, plug it back in, and press the ON/OFF button. It is recommended the BSC-600/1200 be plugged into a UPS (Universal Power Supply).

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Last update:
‎09-05-2012 03:53 PM
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