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NetVanta ASE Switch Feature Matrix

NetVanta ASE Switch Feature Matrix

(Matrix Updated:082423)

These downloadable documents are Excel tools developed by ADTRAN to equip users to compare and contrast the features of NetVanta data switches with the ADTRAN Switch Engine (ASE).


Products covered in this matrix:

NetVanta 1560 Series

NetVanta 1570 Series 

NetVanta 1760 Series


Additional Resources:

Router/IPBG Feature Matrix - For ADTRAN OS (AOS) based Routers and IP Business Gateways

NetVanta AOS Switch Feature Matrix - For ADTRAN OS (AOS) based switches


The "Ŧ "symbol indicates that certain restrictions may apply to the use of the feature.

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Version history
Last update:
‎08-24-2023 03:58 PM
Updated by: