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I cannot browse the Internet when connected to my ISP with an Express 3000/XRT and a MLPPP connection. Why not

I cannot browse the Internet when connected to my ISP with an Express 3000/XRT and a MLPPP connection. Why not

Article ID: 1517

  I cannot browse the Internet when connected to my ISP with an Express 3000/XRT and a MLPPP connection. Why not?

Q: I cannot browse the Internet when connected to my ISP with an Express 3000/XRT and a MLPPP connection. Why not?

A: One explanation is that software compression is enabled in your Windows Dial-up Networking connection.

    1. Go to My Computer.
    2. Select Dial-up Networking.
    3. Right-Click on your ISP connection icon.
    4. Select Properties.
    5. Select Server Types.
    6. Remove the checkmark in front of Enable software compression.
    7. In most cases, it is best to remove all the checkmarks except for TCP/IP.
    8. Click OK.

      Now log onto your ISP as you normally would.

      If this does not solve your problem, you may need to examine your DNS settings.  You will need to contact your ISP to troubleshoot this problem.

Version history
Last update:
‎02-28-2012 01:17 PM
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