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Configuring HDLC in AOS Quick Start Guide

Configuring HDLC in AOS Quick Start Guide

Configuring HDLC in AOS Quick Start Guide

High-Level Data Link Control is a Layer 2 protocol that facilitates data communications over T1, E1 and SHDSL interfaces.


This guide assumes the physical interface has already been configured and is ‘Up’. For more information about configuring T1 or E1 interfaces consult the guide titled “Configuring T1 and E1 Interfaces in AOS”.

Software Requirements

  • HDLC is available in AOS Version 9 and higher.


Hardware Requirements

  • AOS Product with T1 or E1 Interface
    • 1st Generation NetVanta 3200 / 3205 are not capable of using AOS 9 or higher, and therefore are not capable of HDLC


Information Requirements

  • IP Address and Subnet Mask to be assigned to the HDLC Interface

Configuring via the Web Interface

1)      Click “Physical Interfaces.”

2)      Click on the interface that use HDLC encapsulation. (Example: T1 1/1)

3)      Set the “Encapsulation Mode” to “HDLC”.

4)      Click Apply.

5)      Under “IP Settings,” set “Address Type” to “Static”.

6)      Enter the appropriate IP Address and Subnet Mask.

7)      Click “Apply

Note: The Status of the HDLC interface is at the bottom of the HDLC configuration page.

Configuring via the Command Line Interface

Access the Command Line via the Console Port or Telnet. The following commands will configure HDLC encapsulation on a T1, E1 or SHDSL interface.

1)      Enter Privileged Exec Mode and enter the enable password if prompted.

a.       Syntax: enable

b.      Hostname> enable

2)      Enter Global Configuration Mode.

a.       Syntax: configure terminal

b.      Hostname#: configure terminal

3)      Create the HDLC interface with a unique identifying number.

a.       Syntax: interface hdlc <number>

b.      Hostname(config)#: interface hdlc 1

4)      Assign the HDLC Interface an IP Address.

a.       Syntax: ip address <A.B.C.D>  <subnet mask | /prefix-length>

b.      Hostname(config-hdlc 1)#: ip address

5)      Cross-connect the interface with a Layer 1 interface (T1 and E1 shown)

a.       Syntax: cross-connect <number> <interface> <slot/port> [<tdm-group numberhdlc <hdlc number>

b.      Hostname(config-hdlc 1)#: cross-connect  1  t1 1/1   9   hdlc 1

c.       Hostname(config-hdlc 1)#: cross-connect  1  e1 1/1   9   hdlc 1

d.      Hostname(config-hdlc 1)#: cross-connect  1  shdsl 1/1   hdlc 1

6)      Enable the HDLC interface.

a.       Syntax: no shutdown

b.      Hostname(config-hdlc 1)#: no shutdown

7)      View the status of the HDLC interface.

a.       Syntax: do show interface hdlc <hdlc number>

b.      Hostname(config-hdlc 1)#: do show interface hdlc 1

😎      Return to Privileged Exec Mode.

a.       Syntax: end

b.      Hostname(config-hdlc 1)#: end

9)      Save configuration changes to Permanent storage.

a.       Syntax: write

b.      Hostname#: write

Example Configurations

T1 Interface:

interface t1 1/1

tdm-group 9 timeslots 1-24 speed 64

no shutdown


interface hdlc 1

                ip address

                cross-connect 1  t1 1/1  9  hdlc 1

                no shutdown

E1 Interface:

interface e1 1/1

tdm-group 9 timeslots 1-31 speed 64

no shutdown


interface hdlc 1

                ip address

                cross-connect 1  e1 1/1  9  hdlc 1

                no shutdown

SHDSL Interface:

interface shdsl 1/1

no shutdown


interface hdlc 1

                ip address

                cross-connect 1  shdsl 1/1  hdlc 1

                no shutdown

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Version history
Last update:
‎01-23-2012 02:44 PM
Updated by: