Currently we are using the Bandwidth statement on a VLAN associated with a WAN interface on a NET 1335 running R11.5. We are using this on our QoS Maps as well. I am wondering if it would be better, overall, to place a Traffic-Shape Rate command on the VLAN interface and shape average on the QoS Maps instead of the Bandwidth statement and why?
Example of what we have in place... (3MB FE circuit)
interface gigabit-switchport 0/1
speed 1000 nonegotiate
spanning-tree edgeport
no shutdown
switchport access vlan 2
interface vlan 2
ip address x.x.x.x
ip flow ingress
ip flow egress
bandwidth 3000
qos-policy out verizon
ip route-cache express
no shutdown
QoS Maps:
qos map verizon 20
match list af3
bandwidth 768
set dscp af31
qos map verizon 30
match list af2
bandwidth 768
set dscp af21
qos map verizon 40
match list af1
bandwidth 512
set dscp af11
qos map verizon 50
match any
set dscp default
shape average 952000
Thank you for any assistance that you can provide!