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NetVanta 1531P - Access to monitor activity and useage...

Hello, our company has Adtran Switch Model NetVanta 1531P.   These are used to control our Wifi wireless endpoints.  We are seeking to be able to access the activity and usage monitoring functionality of our NetVanta.  

I have never worked with this device before.  I have begun to reference some of the online support and help functionality for this switch.  Using these online instructions, I am not making an progress toward accessing the switches monitoring functionality.  I have looked at other comments, questions and issues related to this, and I am still confused. 

The manual asks that you access by your browser, inputting IP: to access monitoring utilities in the NetVanta switch.  I have done this and have had no luck connecting onto this utility.  Can anyone with experience with this device point out if there are missing steps that are implied for an expert, yet not stated that I should know of?   Any amount of help with this would be appreciated. 

Thank you,  Scott

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