Useful First Generation NetVanta 2000 Series CLI Commands
The CLI (Command Line Interface) on the first generation NetVanta 2000 Series is built on Unix technology, so if you are familiar with Unix commands, you should be able to browse through the menus very easily. If not, a simple command list is displayed below to navigate through the unit.
Obviously, the easiest way to set the unit up is via the Web Interface. If you run into a situation where there is not a way you can configure the unit via the web interface, then you can use the following commands to set the unit up for HTTP access and admin login, so that you can set it up from your PC over the Internet.
Setting up a static WAN IP address and Subnet Mask.
Note: WAN interface is represented by Interface ETH1. LAN interface is represented by Interface ETH0. You should already have access on the LAN interface to do this.
1. Type the following command: config/ip and press Enter.
2. You should now be at the NetVanta:/> config/ip/ prompt.
3. Type the following command: list
4. This command should give you information about your Network Interface such as WAN and LAN IP addresses, along with MAC addresses and other information about the interfaces.
5. The unit requires the following format:
address <ifname> static -ip <ipaddr>/<mask|bits>> [-rip <enable/disable>]
address <ifname> dynamic [-rip <enable/disable>] [-treatstatic]
address <ifname> pppoe -user <username> -password <password> [-service <servicen
ame>] [-acname <acname>] [-rip <enable/disable>] [-treatstatic]
Setting up the Default Gateway (Static Route) and enabling HTTP access and Admin Login.
After you have setup the WAN ip address, you will need to setup the DGW to be able to access the Internet and be able to allow Admin login to access the unit remotely.
1. At the NetVanta:/> prompt, type in the following command: config/firewall and press Enter.
2. We want to Enable HTTP access and Admin Login. The Unit requires the following format:
enable <logint/pingint/logext/httpext/pingext/telnetext/logdmz/pingdmz>
add <ipaddr|default> gw <ipaddr> mask <ipaddr> iface <name> metric <value>
add|default gw mask iface eth1 metric 1
Troubleshooting commands
By enabling IKE tracing, you can see the status of Main or Aggressive mode and Quick Mode being completed. If you don’t see Main or Aggressive mode complete, then there may be a problem with the IKE setup. If Main or Aggressive mode completes, but Quick Mode does not, then there may be a problem with the IPSec, Inbound or Outbound Policies.
Enabling Trace for IKE
1. At the NetVanta:/> prompt, type in the following command: traceenable IKE and press Enter.
2. At the NetVanta:/> prompt, type in the following command: tracestart and press Enter.
Disabling Trace for IKE
At the NetVanta:/> prompt, type in the following command: tracedisable IKE and press Enter.
netstat is a useful tool for checking your network configuration and activity. It displays the total number of associations or sessions on the unit. The unit has a maximum of 650 outbound simultaneous sessions.