I loaded the wrong firmware on this 3200 and cannot get into it via the eth 0/1 port. I have Console and have tried to activate the port with no luck. I have my old firmware as the secondary image. Any way I can revert to that via CLI??
Did you start the device in bootstrap mode? If you restart the device it will tell you to press a certain key to bypass the image loading and enter it. Once in there set your console speed to the highest (115000 if I recall correctly) and then it will kick you out. Go change your hyperterminal baud rate to match and reconnect. Once in you will use the command set to copy xmodem flash. The syntax may be different, it’s been awhile for me. Then you need to do the boot system command from that menu to tell it which AOS to load.
Thanks Matt!!
Message was edited by: matt - removed personal contact information
For whatever reason I've seen that the ETH interface doesn't work on the bootstrap. It will not accept an IP address. You will have to use xmodem to transfer the image. You can use hyper terminal or putty/teraterm. If you set the console baud rate and reconnect it will be a faster transfer, but will still take awhile.
I can access it via hyper terminal. What is the command set or how do I transfer the image? This is very new territory for me.. Thanks much!!!
Message was edited by: matt - removed personal contact information
Did you start the device in bootstrap mode? If you restart the device it will tell you to press a certain key to bypass the image loading and enter it. Once in there set your console speed to the highest (115000 if I recall correctly) and then it will kick you out. Go change your hyperterminal baud rate to match and reconnect. Once in you will use the command set to copy xmodem flash. The syntax may be different, it’s been awhile for me. Then you need to do the boot system command from that menu to tell it which AOS to load.
Thanks Rpartee. I will try that and see if that will kick it back...
Your welcome. Let me know how it goes.
I have only been able to access bootstrap mode. Can anyone tell me how to access the console speed or a document that can give me the proper command set for this procedure?? That would be very helpful..
Thank you!
All fixed!! Thanks for your help Rpartee. I started the Xmodem process but all I had to do was the boot process using the secondary software image. That one was the old one. Once I did that, I could set my IP for eth 0/1 and get back in.
Thanks again...
The console speed cannot be changed in bootstrap mode. If an xmodem transfer is required from bootstrap, it must be done at the default console speed (9600 bps).
You do have the option of doing a TFTP transfer from bootstrap to get around a slow xmodem transfer. You would just need to configure, while in bootstrap, an IP address on eth 0/1 and a default route (if needed).