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New Contributor

Prioritize traffic by IP?

Simple setup - NO VoIP traffic - but limited bandwidth to the internet.

The problem is that there is data replication that occurs and can consume all the outbound bandwidth; this impacts the performance of the Terminal Server that is being accessed.

For discussion purposes lets assume:

Adtran 3430

Terminal Server:

Data Replicator:


Is there a way to prioritize outbound data via IP address?  Either place all traffic from the Terminal Server first or by placing the data outbound from the Replicator last?



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Honored Contributor

Re: Prioritize traffic by IP?

Terminal server is typically real-time interactive so priority queueing is probably the best choice here.

First, mark the packets appropriately.

ip access-list standard termserv-mark-list

  permit host

!Alternatively you could use an extended list and match on the port and protocol for terminal services regardless of IP which would work for terminal server traffic should your workstations be DHCP or addresses change.

qos map outbound-map 10

  match list termserv-mark-list

  priority percent 25

! limit the priority queue to something reasonable in terms of absolute bandwidth or percentage

  set dscp ef

! upstream devices may honor dscp, doesn't hurt.

qos map outbound-map 20

  match any

  set dscp 0

! set outbound dscp to default for all other traffic

Then apply the map to your outbound interface.

interface eth 0/1

! this should be the outbound interface

bandwidth 10000

! specify actual outbound bandwidth

qos policy out outbound-map

! rest of interface configuration here

Be aware that this only works for outbound traffic, if inbound bandwidth is saturated with undesired traffic such as bulk downloads it won't help mitigate it.

Not applicable

Re: Prioritize traffic by IP?


I went ahead and flagged the "Correct Answer" on this post to make it more visible and help other members of the community find solutions more easily. If you don't feel like the answer I marked was correct, feel free to come back to this post and unmark it and select another in its place with the applicable buttons.  If you still need assistance, we would be more than happy to continue working with you on this - just let us know in a reply.

