Two of our NetVanta 3448 Routers have suddenly started going to nearly 100% CPU Utilization when we enable SNMP polling to communicate with a network monitoring software we use. It works on the other routers, one of which is also a NetVanta 3448. Settings all appear to be identical. The setup worked fine for 2 years.............
Any thoughts would be appreciated................
Thank you for asking this question in the support community. Without seeing the configuration or the output from the show process cpu command, it would appear that you may be receiving an SNMP denial of service attack. Here are a few recommendations:
ip access-list extended BLOCK-SNMP
deny udp any any eq snmp
permit ip any any
interface eth 0/2
ip access-group BLOCK-SNMP in
I hope that makes sense, but please do not hesitate to reply to this post with any additional questions or information. I will be happy to help in any way I can.
We updated to R10.7.2 but this was not helpful. We had to shut down Solarwinds Orion Network Performance Monitor to resolve the problem. Solarwinds claims this is a bug in Adtrans's AOS but we cannot confirm why this worked for 2 years without this issue.
We know the Solarwinds software is causing the problem as when we shut down the software (Orion Network Performance Monitor) the problem with he Netvanta 3448 CPU usage stops. There is no external attack. Unfortunatly the purpose of the offending software is to monitor the network appliances for the same problems it seems to be causing...
Currently we have hidden the Netvantas in our network from the software. I am not very happy with Solarwinds at this time as they are pointing at Adtran's AOS as the problem claiming there is a "known bug".
I have a customer with nearly the exact same problem. They are running Solarwinds 10.6.1, and also collecting cache flow data. Exactly every four hours they say the "new" routers, 3430's running r10.5.1 code nearly stop routing. We can not log into them, and pings are not returned.
They turned off SNMP monitoring and cache flow collection, and there are no problems anymore. However, they want to get SNMP and cach flow data. SolarWinds to my CSR that it is a problem with the Adtran version of OS. They did not offer a solution. We have opened a ticket with Adtran, and called several times, and sent about half dozen emails, and we have not received information back.
Has anyone found a solution to this yet? Is there an AOS that specifically addresses this issue?
Thank you for providing the ticket information in the private message. It appears the contact information ADTRAN had on file for the ADTRAN ticket caused problems with Technical Support reaching you. Now that Support has that corrected, please continue to work this through the open ticket with ADTRAN Technical Support. When the issue is resolved, this thread can be updated with the solution.
I am currently experiencing the same problem. Our network consists of 700+ Adtran 1224 and 1335 (POE and non POE) We recently installed SolarWinds as our Network Monitoring application. After reviewing this thread we have disabled Adtran polling via Solarwinds. We had approx. 18 switches lock up over a period of 4 days before disabling in Solarwinds We thought this had corrected the issue then have had 4-8 more lock up over the past 3 days. Wondering if the snmp walk or snmp like DOS attack left its impression on the Adtran in tying up memory resources or CPU. And this just took a few days to set it over the edge and cause it to lockup. We are running the blow FW versions on the majority of these switches and see some bugs in the software release notes where an snmp walk can cause a system lockup. I'm wondering how If this theory makes sense to anyone and what cpu or memory would be a good place to look for compare free memory heap cpu etc to give me a warning that a switch is about to lockup. Seems like a memory error moreso then a cpu but I cannot get in to 1 after it locks up so cannot be sure, Any assistance is appreciated.
"" |
"NONVOL:/" |
a random site switch stats
#show memory heap
Memory Heap:
HeapFree: 78584816
HeapSize: 96136176
Block Managers:
Mgr Size Used Free Max-Used Overhead
(bytes) (blocks) (blocks) (blocks) (bytes)
0 0 1 3 4 128
1 32 23291 1789 25080 802560
2 96 7834 966 8800 281600
3 224 1438 11 1449 46368
4 480 1383 933 2316 74112
5 992 215 2 217 6944
6 2016 103 0 103 3296
7 4064 94 6 100 3200
8 8160 42 3 45 1440
9 16352 33 5 38 1216
10 32736 11 0 11 352
11 65504 12 0 12 384
12 131040 2 0 2 64
13 262112 2 0 2 64
14 524256 0 0 0 0
15 1048544 0 0 0 0
16 2097120 0 0 0 0
17 4194272 0 0 0 0
18 8388576 0 0 0 0
19 16777184 0 0 0 0
Total Overhead (bytes): 1221728
Total Used (bytes): 6101056
Total Free (bytes): 732896
#show processes cpu
System load: 1sec:7.38% 1min:7.43% 5min:7.40% Min: 0.00% Max: 100.00%
Context switch load: 0.17%
Invoked Exec Time Runtime Load %%
Task Id Task Name PRI STA (count) (usec) (usec) (1sec)
1 Idle 0 W 70846543 2003 924498 92.45
2 Thread Pool 2 W 793 289 0 0.00
3 PC Config 5 S 12847152 1022 49432 4.94
4 PacketRouting 36 W 5212274 15 3010 0.30
5 Timer-00 8 W 49871152 5 1189 0.12
6 Nm01 3 W 0 186296 0 0.00
7 Clock 7 W 300829 29 49 0.00
8 FrontPanel 35 W 1982627 422 8559 0.86
9 con0 37 W 483 11 0 0.00
10 CF Manager 7 W 189961 24 31 0.00
11 PCI Bridge 25 W 988712 4 67 0.01
12 Switch 37 W 4544858 13 646 0.06
13 Stacking 7 W 101948 19 19 0.00
14 SwitchQ 13 W 9356001 16 1021 0.10
15 RSTP 35 W 1224035 13 2714 0.27
16 RouteTableTick 4 W 165421 89 124 0.01
17 OSPF 4 W 233047 32 544 0.05
18 IGMPTick 4 W 100844 35 35 0.00
19 IGMP-Receiver 4 W 0 2485173 0 0.00
I am also having this problem on a 924e first gen. It does not appear to be an SNMP attack based on the diagnosis procedures found here:
Here is my config:
! ADTRAN, Inc. OS version A4.11.00.E
! Boot ROM version 14.04.00
! Platform: Total Access 924e (1st Gen), part number 4240924L1
! Serial number LBADTN0730AF192
hostname "BMB-530BB207"
enable password encrypted 141250aff3047ff9916b87537a57e90a8b95
clock timezone -5-Eastern-Time
ip subnet-zero
ip classless
ip routing
no auto-config
event-history on
no logging forwarding
no logging email
service password-encryption
username "i123" password encrypted "292f6b4a7bd8e8efd48be17ad71b507967cd"
ip firewall
no ip firewall alg msn
no ip firewall alg mszone
no ip firewall alg h323
no dot11ap access-point-control
qos map WAN-EDGE 10
match dscp 26 46
priority unlimited
interface eth 0/1
description Uplink to Radio
ip address
ip ffe
ip access-group BlockSNMP in
media-gateway ip primary
traffic-shape rate 3000000
qos-policy out WAN-EDGE
no awcp
no shutdown
interface eth 0/2
description LAN Handoff
ip address
ip ffe
no shutdown
interface t1 0/1
interface t1 0/2
interface t1 0/3
interface t1 0/4
interface fxs 0/1
rx-gain +0.0
tx-gain +0.0
no shutdown
interface fxs 0/2
rx-gain +0.0
tx-gain +0.0
no shutdown
interface fxs 0/3
rx-gain +0.0
tx-gain +0.0
no shutdown
interface fxs 0/4
interface fxs 0/5
interface fxs 0/6
interface fxs 0/7
interface fxs 0/8
interface fxs 0/9
interface fxs 0/10
interface fxs 0/11
interface fxs 0/12
interface fxs 0/13
interface fxs 0/14
interface fxs 0/15
interface fxs 0/16
interface fxs 0/17
interface fxs 0/18
interface fxs 0/19
interface fxs 0/20
interface fxs 0/21
interface fxs 0/22
interface fxs 0/23
interface fxs 0/24
interface fxo 0/0
no shutdown
ip access-list standard ACCESS-IN
permit log
permit host log
deny any log
permit host log
permit host log
ip access-list standard SIP-IN
deny any log
ip access-list extended BlockSNMP
permit udp host eq snmp
deny udp any host eq snmp
permit ip any any
ip route
no ip tftp server
no ip tftp server overwrite
ip http server
no ip http secure-server
ip snmp agent
no ip ftp server
no ip scp server
no ip sntp server
ip http access-class ACCESS-IN in
snmp-server community public RO
ip sip
ip sip udp 5060
no ip sip tcp
voice feature-mode local
voice transfer-mode local
voice forward-mode local
voice dial-plan 1 local NXX-XXXX
voice dial-plan 2 long-distance NXX-NXX-XXXX
voice class-of-service GLOBAL
call-privilege all
voice codec-list GLOBAL
codec g711ulaw
voice trunk T01 type sip
description "123-SIP"
match dnis "NXX-XXXX" substitute "248-NXX-XXXX"
sip-server primary
registrar primary
codec-group GLOBAL
voice grouped-trunk SIP
description "Outbound Calls"
trunk T01
accept $ cost 0
voice user 01
connect fxs 0/1
password encrypted "3f3b802c6899a4539120d2dbd1042cd80022"
no call-waiting
caller-id-override external-number 2487240441
did "2487240441"
no special-ring-cadences
forward-disconnect delay 1000
sip-authentication password encrypted "2226c76989b7cc49da5ab592196a551b8c23"
codec-group GLOBAL
voice user 02
connect fxs 0/2
password encrypted "1410d98cc24448d33d16eaa509eb5aef8ed3"
no call-waiting
caller-id-override external-number 2487240442
did "2487240442"
no special-ring-cadences
forward-disconnect delay 1000
sip-authentication password encrypted "191d6d2607a0b620443811b254d8f6fb7ecb"
codec-group GLOBAL
voice user 03
connect fxs 0/3
password encrypted "1e1aa742c2891bd23ae4dfcabae276c7347e"
no call-waiting
caller-id-override external-number 2487240443
did "2487240443"
no special-ring-cadences
forward-disconnect delay 1000
sip-authentication password encrypted "23276f427bfc89780d7b16d61c9b89691d63"
codec-group GLOBAL
ip sip access-class SIP-IN in
ip sip qos dscp 46
ip rtp quality-monitoring
ip rtp quality-monitoring udp
ip rtp quality-monitoring sip
ip rtp quality-monitoring history max-streams 500
line con 0
line telnet 0 4
login local-userlist
no shutdown
access-class ACCESS-IN in
line ssh 0 4
login local-userlist
no shutdown
access-class ACCESS-IN in
sntp server
The key here is to know the firmware version on your system.Then look at the release notes of the newer version to see when the SNMP leak issue was resolved. I believe it was fixed in 2012 maybe 2013. Release notes will confirm.
It is running ADTRAN, Inc. OS version A4.11.00.E. It is the latest version for this device.