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New Contributor III

can't ping the other gateway connected via VPN


I have 2 Adtran Netvanta 3448 connected via VPN over internet.

3448 A :

3448 B :

3448A- can ping 3448B-

3448B- cannot ping 3448A-

this make no sens to me.

I have 4 IP phones at the remote site ( B ) and they are working fine.

I need the ping to work for testing purposes.

I attached a config of both configuration.


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Honored Contributor

Re: can't ping the other gateway connected via VPN

Is there at least one host on 3448A connected to a switchport? What does "sho int vlan 1" tell you on both devices?  Up/up?


1. Change your passwords.

2. Configure "service password-encryption"

3. Consider an ACL on both ssh and http to limit access to your own network.

4. Consider shutting down telnet and http (not https).

New Contributor III

Re: can't ping the other gateway connected via VPN


Le Jan 28, 2015 à 7:30 PM, jayh <> a écrit :

ADTRAN Support Community

can't ping the other gateway connected via VPN

reply from jayh in NetVanta 3400 Series - View the full discussion

Is there at least one host on 3448A connected to a switchport? What does "sho int vlan 1" tell you on both devices? Up/up?

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New Contributor III

Re: can't ping the other gateway connected via VPN

any ideas?

Not applicable

Re: can't ping the other gateway connected via VPN


There are multiple reasons you may be experiencing this issue.  First, change the policy-classes so the VPN selectors are allowed statelessly through the firewall.  Can you do source pings between the LANs on both sides?  If you do a debug ip icmp on the device that isn't replying, do you see matches?


Re: can't ping the other gateway connected via VPN

Hi dlazure,

Looking at your 3448B configuration, I don't think you need:

ip access-list extended Allow_IPSEC_IN

  permit ip host  any  

Incoming VPN connections will still be established via port 500 UDP as long as VPN is enabled.  You may still need this ACL for other services, in which case you can leave it as is, or set up more specific ACLs to select relevant protocols and, or ports.

Under your 'Private' APC you can set stateless processing for VPN traffic:


ip policy-class Private

  allow list VPN-10-vpn-selectors1 stateless

  allow list self self

  nat source list wizard-ics interface eth 0/1 overload


and under the 'Public' APC you can similarly set:

  allow reverse list VPN-10-vpn-selectors stateless


ip policy-class Public

  allow reverse list VPN-10-vpn-selectors1 stateless

  allow reverse list VPN-10-vpn-selectors1  <==This seems to be a duplicate entry, which you should remove

  allow list web-acl-3 self

  allow list Allow_IPSEC_IN self  <==This is not needed

  allow list web-acl-4 self


Then try pinging from 3448B a host which is known to return ICMP packets within the LAN of 3448A, and see if you are getting responses.  Then as Levi suggested, switch on debug for ICMP temporarily while you are pinging 3448A, if it still does not return pings.

Hope this helps.


