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Firmware upgrade issue for a 1355/6355

I have an Adtran Netvanta 1355 that is running with 6355 firmware- as directed by support, many years ago.

The 1355 is running firmware version

I'd like to get the latest firmware installed on this device, but when I attempt to reload it with newer 6355 firmware ( or it falls back to the backup firmware.

Here's the error from the log:

1999.12.31 20:14:38 OPERATING_SYSTEM.CORE DUMP R10.9.0.E\source/Kernel/Private/Arch/PowerPC-8260/IsrHandler.cpp#280: AdFatal(DMMU: Dadr=0x00000000, Iadr=0x00CE6FC4: No permission to read. StackTrc: 00CE6FC4 00CEAAD4 010B8C20 010B84B8 010B84F8 00C3D334 010C0304 00C3DE98 00C40210 00C30814 00C307D0 ....Regs: r0=0x00ceaad4 r1=0x0537cc10 r2=0x021fcb40 r3=0x00000000 r4=0x00000008 r5=0x00000008 r6=0x00000000 r7=0x00000000 r8=0x00000004 r9=0x0000002a r10=0x05551bc0 r11=0x0537cc30 r12=0x010b3eac r13=0x02608000 r1

I also tried loading the latest version of the 1355 firmware ( which I was surprised to see even existed as I thought these two lines had merged.  Anyway, when I attempted to set this as my primary I got the following error:

The selected Primary Image '' is not a valid Firmware file for this product.

Here's the output of my show ver for reference:

ADTRAN, Inc. OS version A2.05.00.E
  Mainline Version: M00
  Checksum: 84439CA2, built on Wed Nov 25 09:46:24 2009
  Upgrade key: 3ce10cc9bca72946395861784c8e4c62
Boot ROM version 14.02.00
  Checksum: 79E4, built on: Fri Jan 12 11:12:37 2007
Copyright (c) 1999-2007, ADTRAN, Inc.
Platform: NetVanta 6355, part number 1200740E1
Serial number G49A6680
Flash: 33554432 bytes  DRAM: 134217728 bytes

NV6355 uptime is 0 days, 0 hours, 54 minutes, 50 seconds

System returned to ROM by Software Watchdog
Current system image file is ""
Primary boot system image file is ""
Backup boot system image file is ""
Primary system configuration file is "startup-config"

Core: R10.9.0.E\source/Kernel/Private/Arch/PowerPC-8260/IsrHandler.cpp#280: AdFatal(DMMU: Dadr=0x00000000, Iadr=0x00CE6FC4: No permission to read.  St
ackTrc:  00CE6FC4 00CEAAD4 010B8C20 010B84B8 010B84F8 00C3D334 010C0304 00C3DE98 00C40210 00C30814 00C307D0 ....Regs: r0=0x00ceaad4 r1=0x0537cc10 r2=0
x021fcb40 r3=0x00000000 r4=0x00000008 r5=0x00000008 r6=0x00000000 r7=0x00000000 r8=0x00000004 r9=0x0000002a r10=0x05551bc0 r11=0x0537cc30 r12=0x010b3e
ac r13=0x02608000 r14=0x00000004 r15=0x00000005 r16=0x00000006 r17=0x00000007 r18=0x00000008 r19=0x00000009 r20=0x0000000a r21=0x0000000b r22=0x000000
0c r23=0x0000000d r24=0x0000000e r25=0x0000000f r26=0x00000010 r27=0x051fe7f0 r28=0x02963010 r29=0x02078058 r30=0x00000000 r31=0x00000008 LR=0x00ce788
8 CTR=0x010b3eac.)

I would greatly appreciate an assistance.

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Re: Firmware upgrade issue for a 1355/6355


I would suggest you load R10.9.6 firmware.  That's the highest version for last year's Extended Maintenance Release.  Once you have loaded it on the unit, you should make sure to use the "verify" option to check the firmware.

(config)# boot system flash <primary firmware> <backup firmware> verify

If you are unable to make this work, please reply with the output of the above command, and also the output of "show flash".  Lastly, you may want to get the output on the craft/serial port during boot up for further information about why the backup firmware was used.


Re: Firmware upgrade issue for a 1355/6355


Where can I get this firmware? Doesn't seem to be available from Adtran's site.

