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Have a Netvanta 7100. Using all VV500 phones. Here is the issue. Call Comes in and the user presses the transfer button then dials the user's extension. There is about a 6 second delay before the transfer button comes up on the display of the VVX500 phone

Ran Across this post on Poly com website that also describes pretty much the exact same thing we are seeing. Does anyone have a fix for this? I don't see a 5.x firmware for the adtran/polycom 500 series phones. 4.1.6 - Delay when using Hold or Transfer on VVX - Polycom Community

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Re: Have a Netvanta 7100. Using all VV500 phones. Here is the issue. Call Comes in and the user presses the transfer button then dials the user's extension. There is about a 6 second delay before the transfer button comes up on the display of the VVX500 p

Todd, the 5.X firmware can be downloaded directly from Polycom's website. Thanks
