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Profesional Prompt Recordings for the NetVanta 7000 series

Profesional Prompt Recordings for the NetVanta 7000 series

Professional Music on Hold and Auto Attendant recordings, enhance the phone user experience and project a better image for the company using these recordings within their phone system.

Marketing Messages® provides a professional service for ADTRAN’s Unified Communication customers, who want to have professionally recorded prompts and Music on Hold, for their ADTRAN IP-PBX systems. The benefit of working with them includes – (a) Using the same or similar sounding voice artists for recordings that are used natively on the NetVanta product line, (b) Getting the recordings done in the format that is needed for playback on the NetVanta products.

The typical customer needs that may require reaching out to Marketing Messages® are documented below.

  1. Customer has an existing MP3 or WAV music file and they want it converted to G711 and G729 to be used with the ADTRAN system.
  2. Customer wants to purchase Music on Hold files and needs it delivered in G711 and G729 formats.
  3. Customer has previously recorded prompts or messages from an existing PBX and would like the converted to G711 and G729.
  4. Customer wants to record new prompt or message by same personality that is used for the system default message and prompt.

Customer’s are to directly contact Marketing Messages® and should use the attached documents for Contact information and next steps.

Find attached three documents here

Version history
Last update:
‎12-03-2013 10:54 AM
Updated by: