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We have the 7100 phone basically has not functioned fully since purchase, tons of issues, causing us tremendous problems. We have been trying to gain support help without success since our purchase. Can anyone please provide me with a number or

For many, many months we've tried to get professional help. We talk to other troubleshooting phone companies. Of course all tell us we must simply scrap this and start over. I am trying to gain info from Adtran on who we can speak with and how we can get support. We have not found a single company that will work with us on this. We have tried a number of times to reach Adtran with no response.

Please know I am not technical, but my IT company and my ISO are giving up on the system and I feel we spent too much money to do that without trying yet again to get someone with Adtran to assist us and help us get troubleshooting and service.

I would be extremely grateful for any help you can assist me with.

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Re: We have the 7100 phone basically has not functioned fully since purchase, tons of issues, causing us tremendous problems. We have been trying to gain support help without success since our purchase. Can anyone please provide me with a numbe


I am sorry to hear about these problems.  I will have someone from ADTRAN contact you.

