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[video] - Changing the logo for Polycom phones on a NetVanta 7100

[video] - Changing the logo for Polycom phones on a NetVanta 7100

This video covers the process for changing the logo on Polycom phones connected to an ADTRAN NetVanta 7100 or NetVanta 7060. The table below lists the filenames and dimensions needed depending on the Polycom model.  The filenames for NetVanta UC are also listed.

Phone ModelSize in PixelsGrayscale/Color UC File Name7100 File Name
IP 320/33087x114 bit Grayscale (16 shades of gray) 300idle.bmpadtran3xxlogo.bmp
IP 43094x234 bit Grayscale (16 shades of gray) 400idle.bmpadtran40xlogo.bmp
IP 450170x734 bit Grayscale (16 shades of gray) 450idle.bmpadtran450logo.bmp
IP 501/550/560213x1114 bit Grayscale (16 shades of gray) 500idle.bmpadtran50xlogo.bmp
IP 601/650/670213x1114 bit Grayscale (16 shades of gray) 600idle.bmpadtran60xlogo.bmp
IP 4000150x344 bit Grayscale (16 shades of gray) 4000idle.bmpadtran4000logo.bmp
Version history
Last update:
‎12-26-2013 12:51 PM
Updated by: