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T3SU 300 LEDs

T3SU 300 LEDs

Article ID: 1914

  T3SU 300 LEDs



  • IN SERVICE: This LED is active when a valid signal is being received on the DS3 interface.

  • IN TEST: This LED is active when the network interface has been put in loopback by the service provider.

  • ALARM: This LED is active when the DS3 receive signal contains framing errors, a yellow alarm is received from the far end unit, or other alarm messages are received from the network.

  • LOS: This LED is active when no receive signal from the network is detected on the Rx (in) circuit.

DTE Port LEDs:

  • STATUS: This LED indicates the following conditions:

         -- Off: No option card is installed.         -- Flashing green: Interface is available but not configured.         -- Solid green: Interface is available and configured.         -- Solid red: DTE fault condition (for HSSI interface, no clock from DTE).         -- Solid yellow: For HSSI interface, terminal available (TA) signal inactive.

  • IN TEST: This LED is active when the DTE interface is in a loopback condition or is performing a BERT test.

  • TD: This LED is active when the T3SU 300 DTE port is transmitting data.

  • RD: This LED is active when the T3SU 300 DTE port is receiving data.

Version history
Last update:
‎02-28-2012 03:02 PM
Updated by: