| Article ID: 1527 |
Q&A |
T3SU 300 scrambler options
Q: T3SU 300 scrambler options
A: There are two scrambling options available for each multiplexing mode (75kbps block size or 3.158 Mbps block size):
75 kbps block size (Adtran standard):
2047 | This is an Adtran proprietary scrambler. On 1st generation models, choosing Enable for scrambling used this mode. |
1+x^43 | The ATM scrambler |
3.158 Mbps (Larscom standard):
x^11+x^9+1 | This is an Adtran proprietary scambler. It is the same as 2047 scrambling. On older firmware versions of first generation units, choosing Enabled for the scrambler chose this mode. |
x^20+x^17+1 | The Larscom equivalent scrambler. If you are terminating into a device other than the T3SU such as an ISP Cisco router, use this scrambling if the carrier wishes to have scrambling enabled. |