I am a new user to these forums and don't have a lot of experience with Adtran hardware.
I have a Total Access 60. I can telnet into it and look at the system info. The unit name is "TA 624 Gen3" and part number "4203624". The current firmware revision is "A.05.03.05" and bootcode revision is "B.05"
I am looking for the correct firmware and am a little confused, I do not want to load the incorrect firmware and don't want to brick the device. Would the A05.08.07 firmware on this page be the correct version https://www.adtran.com/web/appmanager/portal/Adtran?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=waverunner_page_support_so...
We haven't been ignoring this question, but simply got distracted. It looks like you opened a Support Ticket shortly after posting this question to the Forums.
Yes, the link you posted is for a "Total Access 600 3rd Generation TDM" which matches your TA624 Gen3. You are currently running A.05.03.05, but the latest FW is A05.08.07.
Thank you,