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Getting this when setting up a FXS to SIP trunk call: Looking up source address for destination x.x.x.x. Delivering ERROR: unable to get local address

Here is the debug:

Looking up source address for destination

14:03:18.371 PM.0:9 Idle                 Processed OFFHOOK

14:03:18.371 PM.0:9 State change      >> Idle->Requesting Dialtone

14:03:18.371 SA.2352 Ca:0 Idle                 rcvd: AcctPhoneMgr_appearance(ON) from PM

14:03:18.372 SA.2352 Ca:0 Idle                 State change      >> Idle->DigitGathering (CAS_ReqDigits)

14:03:18.372 SA.2352 Ca:0 DigitGathering       sent: AcctPhoneMgr_cachg(CAS_ReqDigits) to PM

14:03:18.372 PM.0:9 Requesting Dialtone  CACHG:ReqDigits on primary CA

14:03:18.372 PM.0:9 State change      >> Requesting Dialtone->SendingDigits

14:03:18.373 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/9 - empty - Tone Detection: Request resource

14:03:18.373 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/9 - Dsp 0/1.1 - Tone Detection: DSP channel allocated for the resource

14:03:18.373 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/9 - Dsp 0/1.1 - Tone Detection: constructed

14:03:18.374 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/9 - Dsp 0/1.1 - Tone Detection: starting

14:03:18.374 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/9 - Dsp 0/1.1 - Tone Detection: TDM map

14:03:18.874 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/9 - empty - DialTone Generation: Request resource

14:03:18.874 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/9 - Dsp 0/1.1 - DialTone Generation: DSP channel allocated for the resource

14:03:18.875 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/9 - Dsp 0/1.1 - DialTone Generation: constructed

14:03:18.875 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/9 - Dsp 0/1.1 - DialTone Generation: starting

14:03:18.875 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/9 - Dsp 0/1.1 - DialTone Generation: TDM map

14:03:20.705 PM.0:9 SendingDigits        Digit 1 processed

14:03:20.706 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/9 - Dsp 0/1.1 - Tone Detection: received digit (1) event

14:03:20.706 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/9 - Dsp 0/1.1 - DialTone Generation: stopping

14:03:20.706 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/9 - Dsp 0/1.1 - DialTone Generation: TDM unmap

14:03:20.707 RTP.CHANNEL fxs 0/9 - Dsp 0/1.1 - DialTone Generation: releasing RTP resource

14:03:20.707 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/9 - Dsp 0/1.1 - DialTone Generation: release

14:03:20.707 SA.2352 Ca:0 DigitGathering       rcvd: AcctPhoneMgr_dialDigit(1) from PM

14:03:20.707 SA.2352 Ca:0 DigitGathering       Named-digit-timeout waiting 0 seconds for more digits

14:03:21.015 PM.0:9 SendingDigits        Digit 5 processed

14:03:21.016 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/9 - Dsp 0/1.1 - Tone Detection: received digit (5) event

14:03:21.016 SA.2352 Ca:0 DigitGathering       rcvd: AcctPhoneMgr_dialDigit(5) from PM

14:03:21.305 PM.0:9 SendingDigits        Digit 0 processed

14:03:21.306 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/9 - Dsp 0/1.1 - Tone Detection: received digit (0) event

14:03:21.306 SA.2352 Ca:0 DigitGathering       rcvd: AcctPhoneMgr_dialDigit(0) from PM

14:03:21.565 PM.0:9 SendingDigits        Digit 8 processed

14:03:21.565 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/9 - Dsp 0/1.1 - Tone Detection: received digit (8) event

14:03:21.566 SA.2352 Ca:0 DigitGathering       rcvd: AcctPhoneMgr_dialDigit(8) from PM

14:03:22.375 PM.0:9 SendingDigits        Digit 3 processed

14:03:22.375 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/9 - Dsp 0/1.1 - Tone Detection: received digit event

14:03:22.375 SA.2352 Ca:0 DigitGathering       rcvd: AcctPhoneMgr_dialDigit(x) from PM

14:03:22.625 PM.0:9 SendingDigits        Digit 6 processed

14:03:22.626 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/9 - Dsp 0/1.1 - Tone Detection: received digit event

14:03:22.626 SA.2352 Ca:0 DigitGathering       rcvd: AcctPhoneMgr_dialDigit(x) from PM

14:03:22.865 PM.0:9 SendingDigits        Digit 9 processed

14:03:22.866 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/9 - Dsp 0/1.1 - Tone Detection: received digit event

14:03:22.866 SA.2352 Ca:0 DigitGathering       rcvd: AcctPhoneMgr_dialDigit(x) from PM

14:03:23.235 PM.0:9 SendingDigits        Digit 9 processed

14:03:23.236 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/9 - Dsp 0/1.1 - Tone Detection: received digit event

14:03:23.236 SA.2352 Ca:0 DigitGathering       rcvd: AcctPhoneMgr_dialDigit(x) from PM

14:03:23.595 PM.0:9 SendingDigits        Digit 3 processed

14:03:23.596 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/9 - Dsp 0/1.1 - Tone Detection: received digit event

14:03:23.596 SA.2352 Ca:0 DigitGathering       rcvd: AcctPhoneMgr_dialDigit(x) from PM

14:03:23.895 PM.0:9 SendingDigits        Digit 3 processed

14:03:23.896 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/9 - Dsp 0/1.1 - Tone Detection: received digit (3) event

14:03:23.896 SA.2352 Ca:0 DigitGathering       rcvd: AcctPhoneMgr_dialDigit(3) from PM

14:03:24.125 PM.0:9 SendingDigits        Digit 6 processed

14:03:24.126 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/9 - Dsp 0/1.1 - Tone Detection: received digit event

14:03:24.126 SA.2352 Ca:0 DigitGathering       rcvd: AcctPhoneMgr_dialDigit(x) from PM

14:03:24.126 SA.2352 Ca:0 DigitGathering       State change      >> DigitGathering->DigitGathering (CAS_Active)

14:03:24.127 SA.2352 Ca:0 DigitGathering       sent: AcctPhoneMgr_cachg(CAS_Active) to PM

14:03:24.127 PM.0:9 State change      >> SendingDigits->Call Pending

14:03:24.127 SA.2352 Ca:0 DigitGathering       sent: call to SB

14:03:24.128 SA.2352 Ca:0 DigitGathering       State change      >> DigitGathering->CallPending (CAS_Active)

14:03:24.128 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/9 - Dsp 0/1.1 - Tone Detection: stopping

14:03:24.128 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/9 - Dsp 0/1.1 - Tone Detection: TDM unmap

14:03:24.128 RTP.CHANNEL fxs 0/9 - Dsp 0/1.1 - Tone Detection: releasing RTP resource

14:03:24.129 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/9 - Dsp 0/1.1 - Tone Detection: release

14:03:24.129 SA.2352 rcvd: AcctPhoneMgr_billingCode from PM

14:03:24.129 SB.CALL 29 Idle                 Called the call routine with 1508xxxxxxx

14:03:24 SB.TGMgr For dialed number 15083699336, against template 1-NXX-NXX-XXXX, on TrunkGroup PATIENTS, the score is 2000

14:03:24.129 SB.CCM isMappable:

14:03:24.130 SB.CCM  :  Call Struct 0x3448410 :   Call-ID = 29

14:03:24.130 SB.CCM  :  Org Acct = 2352    Dst Acct = T01

14:03:24.130 SB.CCM  :  Org Port ID = FxsPhone 0/9   Dst Port ID = unknown 0/0

14:03:24.130 SB.CCM isMappable: Call Connection Type is TDM_TO_RTP

14:03:24.131 RTP.CHANNEL allocateForInterface 0/1.1, status = 1, allocatedForInterface = 0

14:03:24.131 SB.CCM isMappable: Reserving RTP Channel 0/1.1

14:03:24.131 SB.CCM isMappable: Creating SDP Offer

14:03:24.132 SB.CCM updateOfferWithEndpointConfig: DTMF(NTE 101), VAD(off), ptime(0)

14:03:24.133 SB.CCM translateOffer: offer codec list: PCMU G729

14:03:24.134 SB.CCM translateOffer: revised offer codec list: PCMU G729

14:03:24.134 SB.CCM translateOffer: codec list after answerer: PCMU

14:03:24.135 SB.CCM translateOffer: DTMF signaling: answerer has no restrictions configured, passing offer(NTE 101) through

14:03:24.135 SB.CCM translateOffer: success

14:03:24.136 SB.CALL 29 Idle                 Call sent from 2352 to T01 (1508xxxxxxx)

14:03:24.136 SB.CALL 29 State change      >> Idle->Delivering

14:03:24.136 RTP.MANAGER fxs 0/9 - empty - RTP: Request resource

14:03:24.137 RTP.MANAGER fxs 0/9 - Dsp 0/1.1 - RTP: DSP channel allocated for the resource

14:03:24.137 RTP.PROVIDER fxs 0/9 - Dsp 0/1.1 - RTP: providing already allocated RTP channel

14:03:24.137 SA.2352 Ca:0 CallPending          rcvd: callResponse from SB

14:03:24.137 SA.2352 Ca:0 CallPending          State change      >> CallPending->Calling (CAS_Active)

14:03:24.138 TA.T01 25 State change      >> TAIdle->TAOutGoing (TAS_Delivering)

14:03:24.138 TM.T01 25 SipTM_Idle           State change      >> SipTM_Idle->Delivering

14:03:24.138 SIP.STACK DEBUG  RPOOL        RPOOL_GetPage - (pool=0x3dbe010,size=0,*newRpoolElem=0x3dc3c10)=0 (GeneralPool)

14:03:24.138 SIP.STACK DEBUG  RPOOL        RPOOL_GetPage - (pool=0x3ef4010,size=0,*newRpoolElem=0x3ef58d8)=0 (ElementPool)

14:03:24.139 TM.T01 25 Delivering           Applying E.164 settings to called party number (1508xxxxxxx)

14:03:24.139 TM.T01 25 Delivering           Skipping E.164 conversion due to voice international-prefix setting

14:03:24.139 TM.T01 25 Delivering           Applying E.164 settings to calling party number (339xxxxxxx)

14:03:24.139 TM.T01 25 Delivering           From user grammar setting is: domestic

14:03:24.140 TM.T01 25 Delivering           Skipping E.164 conversion due to From user grammar setting

14:03:24.140 TM.T01 25 Looking up source address for destination

14:03:24.140 TM.T01 25 Delivering           ERROR: unable to get local address

14:03:24.140 SIP.STACK DEBUG  CALL         CallLegSubsTerminateAllSubs - Call-leg 0x52b1ed0 - terminating all its subscriptions.

14:03:24.140 SIP.STACK DEBUG  CALL         CallLegTerminateAllTransc - Call-leg 0x52b1ed0 - terminating all its transactions.

14:03:24.141 SIP.STACK DEBUG  CALL         CallLegTerminateIfPossible - Send Call-leg 0x52b1ed0 to the event queue for termination

14:03:24.141 SIP.STACK DEBUG  TRANSPORT    SipTransportSendObjectEvent - pObj=0x52b1ed0,pEventInfo=0x52b1ed4,eNum=19,bInternal=1

14:03:24.141 SIP.STACK DEBUG  TRANSPORT    TransportProcessingQueueTailEvent - INTERNAL_EVENT ev=0x3fe9760: Call-Leg 0x52b1ed0: Terminated

14:03:24.141 SIP.STACK DEBUG  TRANSPORT    SipTransportSendObjectEvent - ev 0x3fe9760 sent. (Call-Leg 0x52b1ed0: Terminated)

14:03:24.142 TM.T01 25 Delivering           Sip_CreateCallLegNextServer with default validator

14:03:24.142 TM.T01 25 Delivering           State change      >> Delivering->SipTM_Closing

14:03:24.142 TM.T01 25 SipTM_Closing        sent: TA->Clear

14:03:24.142 SIP.STACK DEBUG  TRANSPORT    TransportProcessingQueueDispatchEvents - INTERNAL_EVENT ev:0x3fe9760, (Call-Leg 0x52b1ed0: Terminated)

14:03:24.143 SIP.STACK DEBUG  CALL         TerminateCallegEventHandler - Call-leg 0x52b1ed0 is out of termination queue...

14:03:24.143 SIP.STACK DEBUG  CALL         CallLegCallbackChangeCallStateEv - call-leg 0x52b1ed0, Before callback

14:03:24.143 SIP.CLDU Cldu::CallLegStateChangedEv: (0x52b1ed0)->Terminated

14:03:24.143 TM.T01 25 SipTM_Closing        call-leg -> Terminated

14:03:24.143 TM.T01 25 SipTM_Closing        given call-leg != current call-leg, dropping call-leg state change: Terminated

14:03:24.144 SIP.STACK DEBUG  CALL         CallLegCallbackChangeCallStateEv - call-leg 0x52b1ed0 After callback

14:03:24.144 SIP.STACK DEBUG  CALL         CallLegDestruct - Call-leg 0x52b1ed0 destructing...

14:03:24.144 SIP.STACK DEBUG  CALL         CallLegForkingDestructAckMsgParams - call-leg 0x52b1ed0 - no ACK message to destruct

14:03:24.144 SIP.STACK DEBUG  CALL         CallLegForkingDestructAckMsgParams - call-leg 0x52b1ed0 - no ACK transmitter to destruct

14:03:24.144 SIP.STACK DEBUG  CALL         CallLegForkingDestructAckMsgParams - call-leg 0x52b1ed0 - no ACK transmitter page to destruct

14:03:24.145 SIP.STACK DEBUG  RPOOL        RPOOL_FreePage - (pool=0x3dbe010,element=0x3dc3c10) (GeneralPool)

14:03:24.145 SIP.STACK DEBUG  RPOOL        RPOOL_FreePage - (pool=0x3ef4010,element=0x3ef58d8) (ElementPool)

14:03:24.145 SB.CALL 29 Delivering           Called the deliverResponse routine from Delivering

14:03:24.146 SB.CALL 29 Delivering           DeliverResponse(accept) sent from T01 to 2352

14:03:24.146 TA.T01 25 TAOutGoing           rcvd: clear from TM

14:03:24.146 TA.T01 25 State change      >> TAOutGoing->TATrunkClearing (TAS_Clearing)

14:03:24.146 TM.T01 25 SipTM_Closing        tachg -> TATrunkClearing

14:03:24.146 TM.T01 25 SipTM_Closing        State change      >> SipTM_Closing->SipTM_Terminated

14:03:24.147 TM.T01 25 SipTM_Terminated     sent: TA->AppearanceOff

14:03:24.147 TM.T01 25 SipTM_Terminated     State change      >> SipTM_Terminated->SipTM_Idle

14:03:24.147 SA.2352 Ca:0 Calling              rcvd: deliverResponse from SB

14:03:24.147 SA.2352 Ca:0 Calling              sent: AcctPhoneMgr_info to PM

14:03:24.147 PM.0:9 ERROR! APM_Info ignored

14:03:24.148 SB.CALL 29 Delivering           Called the clearCall routine

14:03:24.148 SB.CALL 29 Delivering           SIP Proxy rejected call to 1508xxxxxxx for survivability - no matching Proxy user

14:03:24.148 SB.CALL 29 Delivering           No available resources on call from 2352 to T01 (last attempt)

14:03:24.148 SB.CALL 29 State change      >> Delivering->Clearing

14:03:24.148 TA.T01 25 TATrunkClearing      rcvd: appearance off from TM

14:03:24.149 TA.T01 25 State change      >> TATrunkClearing->TAClearingComplete (TAS_Clearing)

14:03:24.149 TA.T01 25 TATrunkClearing      Processing an appearance OFF

14:03:24.149 SA.2352 Ca:0 Calling              rcvd: clearCall from SB

14:03:24.149 SA.2352 Ca:0 Calling              sent: clearResponse(pass) to SB

14:03:24.149 SA.2352 Ca:0 Calling              State change      >> Calling->Idle (CAS_Idle)

14:03:24.150 SA.2352 Ca:0 Idle                 sent: AcctPhoneMgr_cachg(CAS_Idle) to PM

14:03:24.150 PM.0:9 Call Pending         Pri CA, Idle response, App OFF sent

14:03:24.150 PM.0:9 State change      >> Call Pending->Clearing Fast Busy

14:03:24.151 SB.CALL 29 Clearing             Called the clearResponse routine

14:03:24.151 SB.CALL 29 State change      >> Clearing->CallIdlePending

14:03:24.151 SB.CCM release:

14:03:24.151 SB.CCM  :  Call Struct 0x3448410 :   Call-ID = 29

14:03:24.152 SB.CCM  :  Org Acct = 2352    Dst Acct = T01

14:03:24.152 SB.CCM  :  Org Port ID = FxsPhone 0/9   Dst Port ID = SipTrunk 0/0.24

14:03:24.152 SB.CCM  :  SDP Transaction = CallID: 29

14:03:24.152 SB.CCM  :  SDP Offer = 0x0348b310, (

14:03:24.152 SB.CCM  :  RTP Channel = 0/1.1

14:03:24.153 SB.CCM release: Call Connection Type is TDM_TO_RTP

14:03:24.153 SB.CCM release: Releasing RTP Channel 0/1.1

14:03:24.153 RTP.CHANNEL RtpChannel::deallocate, status = 3, allocatedForInterface = 0

14:03:24.153 RTP.CHANNEL Channel 0/1.1 released successfully.

14:03:24.153 SB.CALL 29 CallIdlePending      ClearResponse sent from 2352 to T01

14:03:24.154 SA.2352 Ca:0 Idle                 rcvd: AcctPhoneMgr_appearance(OFF) from PM

14:03:24.154 SA.2352 Ca:0 Idle                 sent: AcctPhoneMgr_cachg(CAS_Idle) to PM

14:03:24.154 PM.0:9 Clearing Fast Busy   Dropped CACHG w/Call State not RINGING

14:03:24.154 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/9 - empty - FastBusy Generation: Request resource

14:03:24.155 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/9 - Dsp 0/1.1 - FastBusy Generation: DSP channel allocated for the resource

14:03:24.155 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/9 - Dsp 0/1.1 - FastBusy Generation: constructed

14:03:24.155 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/9 - Dsp 0/1.1 - FastBusy Generation: starting

14:03:24.155 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/9 - Dsp 0/1.1 - FastBusy Generation: TDM map

14:03:24.156 TA.T01 25 TAClearingComplete   clearResponse event accepted

14:03:24.156 TA.T01 25 TAClearingComplete   Clear Local Variables

14:03:24.156 TA.T01 25 State change      >> TAClearingComplete->TAIdle (TAS_Idle)

14:03:24.156 TM.T01 25 SipTM_Idle           tachg -> TAIdle

14:03:24.157 RTP.CHANNEL fxs 0/9 - Dsp 0/1.1 - RTP: releasing RTP resource

14:03:24.157 RTP.CHANNEL fxs 0/9 - Dsp 0/1.1 - RTP: releasing

14:03:24 SB.CallStructObserver 29 Created

14:03:24 SB.CallStructObserver 29 Finalized1970.01.01 14:03:24 TM.T01 25 ERROR: IPv4 media gateway on eth 0/1 is not configured

1970.01.01 14:03:24 SIP.RTP RtpNatTable::deleteEntriesByPublicCallId(29)

1970.01.01 14:03:24 SIP.RTP RtpNatTable::deleteEntriesByPublicCallId(29)

1970.01.01 14:03:24 SIP.RTP RtpNatTable::deleteEntriesByPublicCallId(29)

1970.01.01 14:03:25 SMDR 29         01/01/1970 14:03:24      0.0 0    I  00/09 Room 235B       2352            00/00 T01             15083699336     0 N 

14:03:28.974 PM.0:9 Clearing Fast Busy   Processed OnHook from non-holding condition

14:03:28.974 PM.0:9 State change      >> Clearing Fast Busy->Idle

14:03:28.975 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/9 - Dsp 0/1.1 - FastBusy Generation: stopping

14:03:28.975 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/9 - Dsp 0/1.1 - FastBusy Generation: TDM unmap

14:03:28.975 RTP.CHANNEL fxs 0/9 - Dsp 0/1.1 - FastBusy Generation: releasing RTP resource

14:03:28.975 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/9 - Dsp 0/1.1 - FastBusy Generation: release

14:03:28.976 SA.2352 rcvd: AcctPhoneMgr_COSOverride from PM

Also the config.



! ADTRAN, Inc. OS version R12.3.2.E

! Boot ROM version 14.05.00.SA

! Platform: Total Access 924e (2nd Gen), part number 4242924L1

! Serial number CFG0658112



hostname "TA924e"

enable password password




ip subnet-zero

ip classless

ip routing

ipv6 unicast-routing






no auto-config


event-history on

no logging forwarding

no logging email


no service password-encryption


username "admin" password "xxxxxxxx"


banner motd #



Web username/password is configured to admin/xxxxxxxxx.

Enable and Telnet passwords are configured to "xxxxxxxx".

Please change them immediately.

The ethernet 0/1 interface is enabled with an address of

Telnet/SSH access is also enabled.




no ip firewall alg msn

no ip firewall alg mszone

no ip firewall alg h323









no dot11ap access-point-control






















interface eth 0/1

  ip address

  no shutdown



interface eth 0/2

  no ip address






interface t1 0/1



interface t1 0/2



interface t1 0/3



interface t1 0/4




interface fxs 0/1

  no shutdown


interface fxs 0/2

  no shutdown


interface fxs 0/3

  no shutdown


interface fxs 0/4

  no shutdown


interface fxs 0/5

  no shutdown


interface fxs 0/6

  no shutdown


interface fxs 0/7

  no shutdown


interface fxs 0/8

  no shutdown


interface fxs 0/9

  no shutdown


interface fxs 0/10

  no shutdown


interface fxs 0/11

  no shutdown


interface fxs 0/12

  no shutdown


interface fxs 0/13

  no shutdown


interface fxs 0/14

  no shutdown


interface fxs 0/15

  no shutdown


interface fxs 0/16

  no shutdown


interface fxs 0/17

  no shutdown


interface fxs 0/18

  no shutdown


interface fxs 0/19

  no shutdown


interface fxs 0/20

  no shutdown


interface fxs 0/21

  no shutdown


interface fxs 0/22

  no shutdown


interface fxs 0/23

  no shutdown


interface fxs 0/24

  no shutdown



interface fxo 0/0













no tftp server

no tftp server overwrite

http server

http secure-server

no snmp agent

no ip ftp server

no ip scp server

no ip sntp server










sip udp 5060

no sip tcp




voice feature-mode network

voice forward-mode network









voice dial-plan 1 long-distance 1-NXX-NXX-XXXX

voice dial-plan 2 local NXX-NXX-XXXX

voice dial-plan 3 toll-free 1-800-NXX-XXXX

voice dial-plan 4 toll-free 1-888-NXX-XXXX

voice dial-plan 5 toll-free 1-877-NXX-XXXX

voice dial-plan 6 toll-free 1-866-NXX-XXXX

voice dial-plan 7 toll-free 1-855-NXX-XXXX





voice codec-list SIP

  codec g711ulaw




voice trunk T01 type sip

  description "N2Net"

  sip-server primary

  domain ""

  max-number-calls 46

  codec-list SIP both



voice grouped-trunk PATIENTS

  trunk T01

  accept NXX-NXX-XXXX cost 0

  accept 1-NXX-NXX-XXXX cost 0

  accept 1-800-NXX-XXXX cost 0

  accept 1-888-NXX-XXXX cost 0

  accept 1-877-NXX-XXXX cost 0

  accept 1-866-NXX-XXXX cost 0

  accept 1-855-NXX-XXXX cost 0

  accept 911 cost 0

  accept $ cost 0

  reject NXX-976-XXXX

  reject 1-900-NXX-XXXX

  reject 1-976-NXX-XXXX

  reject 1-NXX-976-XXXX



voice user 2282

  connect fxs 0/1

  no cos

  last-name "Room 228B"

  password "1234"

  caller-id-override external-number 3394xxxxxxx

  codec-list SIP

  alias 339xxxxxxx




voice user 2311

  connect fxs 0/2

  no cos

  last-name "Room 231A"

  password "1234"

  caller-id-override external-number 339xxxxxxx

  codec-list SIP

  alias 339xxxxxxx




voice user 2312

  connect fxs 0/3

  no cos

  last-name "Room 231B"

  password "1234"

  caller-id-override external-number 339xxxxxxx

  alias 339xxxxxxx




voice user 2321

  connect fxs 0/4

  no cos

  last-name "Room 232A"

  password "1234"

  caller-id-override external-number 339xxxxxxx

  alias 339xxxxxxx




voice user 2331

  connect fxs 0/5

  no cos

  last-name "Room 233A"

  password "1234"

  caller-id-override external-number 339xxxxxxx

  alias 339xxxxxxxx




voice user 2332

  connect fxs 0/6

  no cos

  last-name "Room 233B"

  password "1234"

  caller-id-override external-number 399xxxxxxx

  alias 339xxxxxxx




voice user 2341

  connect fxs 0/7

  no cos

  last-name "Room 234A"

  password "1234"

  caller-id-override external-number 339xxxxxxx

  alias 339xxxxxxx




voice user 2351

  connect fxs 0/8

  no cos

  last-name "Room 235A"

  password "1234"

  caller-id-override external-number 339xxxxxxx

  alias 339xxxxxxx




voice user 2352

  connect fxs 0/9

  no cos

  last-name "Room 235B"

  password "1234"

  caller-id-override external-number 339xxxxxxx

  alias 339xxxxxxx




voice user 2361

  connect fxs 0/10

  no cos

  last-name "Room 236A"

  password "1234"

  caller-id-override external-number 339xxxxxxx

  alias 339xxxxxxx




voice user 2362

  connect fxs 0/11

  no cos

  last-name "Room 236B"

  password "1234"

  caller-id-override external-number 339xxxxxxx

  alias 339xxxxxxx




voice user 2491

  connect fxs 0/12

  no cos

  last-name "Room 249A"

  password "1234"

  caller-id-override external-number 339xxxxxxx

  alias 339xxxxxxx














no sip registrar authenticate


















line con 0



line telnet 0 4


  password password

  no shutdown

line ssh 0 4

  login local-userlist

  no shutdown







Labels (2)
0 Kudos
3 Replies
New Contributor

Re: Getting this when setting up a FXS to SIP trunk call: Looking up source address for destination x.x.x.x. Delivering ERROR: unable to get local address

Never mind, we figured it out.

Not applicable

Re: Getting this when setting up a FXS to SIP trunk call: Looking up source address for destination x.x.x.x. Delivering ERROR: unable to get local address

Same issue here - what did you do to resolve it?

Honored Contributor
Honored Contributor

Re: Getting this when setting up a FXS to SIP trunk call: Looking up source address for destination x.x.x.x. Delivering ERROR: unable to get local address

Configure "media-gateway ip primary" on the interface facing the remote SIP endpoint.