My new sip provider has asked me to send my account number in either the FROM or CONTACT header. I tried the following:
This is what I get when I use the default configuration:
From: <sip:2034885265@some.sip.provider:5060;transport=UDP>;tag=3be43e8-7f000001-13c4-46d9e-c3e718c6-46d9e
Contact: <sip:2034885265@x.x.x.x:5060;transport=UDP>
This is when I add ANI substitution(where 1111111 is my account number).
From: <;transport=UDP>;tag=5275ac8-7f000001-13c4-4008bf-bf76c84c-4008bf
Contact: <sip:1111111@x.x.x.x:5060;transport=UDP>
The ANi substitution will definitely not work as we need to pass different caller id's based on the projects we do.
I would like achieve something like this... FROM should contain caller id and CONTACT should contain Account number.
From: <sip:2034885265@some.sip.provider:5060;transport=UDP>;tag=3be43e8-7f000001-13c4-46d9e-c3e718c6-46d9e
Contact: <sip:1111111@x.x.x.x:5060;transport=UDP>
Any help is really appreciated.
Here's what I use to change/add the Diversion header if your SIP Provider accept Diversion as a valid field. You could probably just change the word diversion to contact below but I have not tested that scenario because our SIP Provider uses diversion for call accounting and not contact.
hmr policy TRUNK
rule-set DiversionChange 1
hmr rule-set DiversionChange
message-rule CHANGE_Diversion message-type any 1
match header diversion
modify header diversion position first-match new-value / 2
voice trunk T0X type sip
hmr TRUNK out
John Wable