Hi, I have a Total Access 924e 3rd gen which was configured by a third party. It has been pulled from service and I am trying to do a factory reset.
I'm connected via serial cable to CRAFT and I'm using Putty. I can see the boot process, including the point where I have 5 seconds to his Escape. However, it doesn't seem like any keystrokes are being recognized. I've tried Escape, Ctrl+[ and a couple other things I've seen in various posts, but nothing interrupts the boot process.
Un Putty, I've tried the keyboard as default ESX[n~ as well as VT100+, but no difference. I've also tried Hyperterminal, same result.
Any ideas how I can reset this device?
You've got your com settings in Putty set for 9600, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and flow control and parity off under connection-->serial?
Press ESC during the 5 second count. Then type "bypass passwords" and then "boot".
Thanks for replying. Yes, that's how I have it. I can see the whole boot process scroll by, and when it gets to the 5 second countdown timer to press Esc, I'm tapping away but it's like it doesn't register any input. Very strange.
Is it possible it could have been configured by the 3rd party to prevent it from being reset?
Try again but with the network disconnected.
No dice. Well thanks for trying to help me. I found someone who wants it as-is, so they can figure it out.