In the past we have used mainly ADTRAN DSLAMS in our MDU's (Multi Dwelling Units - Apartments - Condos - etc) We decided that Ethernet was a better option for us, rather than xDSL or DOCIS. Customers BYOD their own wireless device, that DHCPs onto the network and we enable lease persistence. We traffic shape the customer's traffic on an appliance. Each switch has a unique vlan and all customer facing ports are "protected" Each building is fiber fed via two fiber LAGS, and if it's a vertical building we copper feed gig LAG ports to each switch.
Here is a config snip it from one of our switches and wanted to see if we are missing anything here? We are actively deploying the NV1234/1238 and NV1534 and NV1544F's.
interface switchport 0/1
spanning-tree bpduguard enable
spanning-tree edgeport
no shutdown
switchport access vlan XXX
storm-control broadcast level 10 10
storm-control action shutdown
switchport port-security
switchport port-security violation protect
switchport protected
no lldp send
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