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New Contributor

Unable to make outbound install on a new circuit and configuration

I'm new to the ADTRAN world.  I have inherited some infrastructure that just works and I have tried to add a new/similar config to another site.  I don't know if I have an ADTRAN problem or a circuit problem.  This is for an outbound fax configuration and every try ends with DISCONNECT, NORMAL CLEARING.  I have the info logs of a recent attempt if anyone can take a look and point me in the right direction.

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5 Replies
New Contributor

Re: Unable to make outbound install on a new circuit and configuration

It says the disconnect cause is NORMAL_CLEARING, but no call is made as far as I can tell.
I can't tell if this is a misconfiguration of the ADTRAN or of the circuit.

The LOG:

25-Dec 19:36:48 Recd  = 02 01 01 58

25-Dec 19:36:48 CC>>Host: 02 8028 CLEAR_CONF

25-Dec 19:36:48 Sent  = 02 01 01 24

25-Dec 19:36:48 M - 5A RELEASE_CMP

25-Dec 19:36:48 Prot:08  CRL:2  CRV:8029

25-Dec 19:36:48 Ctl:INFO     Ns:17   Nr:121

25-Dec 19:36:48 Recd = Sapi:00  C/R:C Tei:00

25-Dec 19:36:48 =================================================

25-Dec 19:36:48 Recd  = 02 01 22 F2 08 02 80 29 5A

25-Dec 19:36:48 CC>>Host: 02 0009 CLEAR_CONF

25-Dec 19:36:48 M - 5A RELEASE_CMP

25-Dec 19:36:48 Prot:08  CRL:2  CRV:800D

25-Dec 19:36:48 Ctl:INFO     Ns:43   Nr:32

25-Dec 19:36:48 Sent = Sapi:00  C/R:C Tei:00

25-Dec 19:36:48 =================================================

25-Dec 19:36:48 Sent  = 02 01 56 40 08 02 80 0D 5A

25-Dec 19:36:48 Sent  = 00 01 01 40

25-Dec 19:36:48 M - 4D RELEASE

25-Dec 19:36:48 Prot:08  CRL:2  CRV:000D

25-Dec 19:36:48 Ctl:INFO     Ns:31   Nr:43

25-Dec 19:36:48 Recd = Sapi:00  C/R:R Tei:00

25-Dec 19:36:48 =================================================

25-Dec 19:36:48 Recd  = 00 01 3E 56 08 02 00 0D 4D

25-Dec 19:36:48 Recd  = 00 01 01 F2

25-Dec 19:36:48 Recd  = 02 01 01 56

25-Dec 19:36:48 M - 4D RELEASE

25-Dec 19:36:48 Prot:08  CRL:2  CRV:0029

25-Dec 19:36:48 Ctl:INFO     Ns:120   Nr:17

25-Dec 19:36:48 Sent = Sapi:00  C/R:R Tei:00

25-Dec 19:36:48 =================================================

25-Dec 19:36:48 Sent  = 00 01 F0 22 08 02 00 29 4D

25-Dec 19:36:48 90 Cause:NORMAL_CLEARING

25-Dec 19:36:48 82 Location:LN

25-Dec 19:36:48 IE - 08 CAUSE               Len=2

25-Dec 19:36:48 M - 45 DISCONNECT

25-Dec 19:36:48 Prot:08  CRL:2  CRV:800D

25-Dec 19:36:48 Ctl:INFO     Ns:42   Nr:31

25-Dec 19:36:48 Sent = Sapi:00  C/R:C Tei:00

25-Dec 19:36:48 =================================================

25-Dec 19:36:48 Sent  = 02 01 54 3E 08 02 80 0D 45 08 02 82 90

25-Dec 19:36:48 ie: 00 08 04 00 00 00 90

25-Dec 19:36:48 Host>>CC: 02 8028 CLEAR_REQ

25-Dec 19:36:48 ie: 00 08 04 00 82 00 90

25-Dec 19:36:48 Host>>CC: 00 0009 DISC_REQ

25-Dec 19:36:48 Call to '16785226132' cleared from ATLAS end

25-Dec 19:36:48 Call to '16785226132' disconnected by far end.

25-Dec 19:36:48 ie: 00 08 04 00 00 00 90

25-Dec 19:36:48 CC>>Host: 02 8028 DISC_IND

25-Dec 19:36:48 Sent  = 02 01 01 22

25-Dec 19:36:48 90 Cause:NORMAL_CLEARING

25-Dec 19:36:48 80 Location:U

25-Dec 19:36:48 IE - 08 CAUSE               Len=2

25-Dec 19:36:48 M - 45 DISCONNECT

25-Dec 19:36:48 Prot:08  CRL:2  CRV:8029

25-Dec 19:36:48 Ctl:INFO     Ns:16   Nr:120

25-Dec 19:36:48 Recd = Sapi:00  C/R:C Tei:00

25-Dec 19:36:48 =================================================

25-Dec 19:36:48 Recd  = 02 01 20 F0 08 02 80 29 45 08 02 80 90

25-Dec 19:36:43 Recd  = 00 01 01 F1

25-Dec 19:36:43 Recd  = 02 01 01 55

25-Dec 19:36:43 Sent  = 00 01 01 21

25-Dec 19:36:43 Sent  = 02 01 01 3F

25-Dec 19:36:13 Sent  = 00 01 01 3E

25-Dec 19:36:13 M - 0F CONNECT_ACK

25-Dec 19:36:13 Prot:08  CRL:2  CRV:000D

25-Dec 19:36:13 Ctl:INFO     Ns:30   Nr:42

25-Dec 19:36:13 Recd = Sapi:00  C/R:R Tei:00

25-Dec 19:36:13 =================================================

25-Dec 19:36:13 Recd  = 00 01 3C 54 08 02 00 0D 0F

25-Dec 19:36:13 Recd  = 02 01 01 54

25-Dec 19:36:13 Recd  = 00 01 01 F0

25-Dec 19:36:13 M - 07 CONNECT

25-Dec 19:36:13 Prot:08  CRL:2  CRV:800D

25-Dec 19:36:13 Ctl:INFO     Ns:41   Nr:30

25-Dec 19:36:13 Sent = Sapi:00  C/R:C Tei:00

25-Dec 19:36:13 =================================================

25-Dec 19:36:13 Sent  = 02 01 52 3C 08 02 80 0D 07

25-Dec 19:36:13 M - 0F CONNECT_ACK

25-Dec 19:36:13 Prot:08  CRL:2  CRV:0029

25-Dec 19:36:13 Ctl:INFO     Ns:119   Nr:16

25-Dec 19:36:13 Sent = Sapi:00  C/R:R Tei:00

25-Dec 19:36:13 =================================================

25-Dec 19:36:13 Sent  = 00 01 EE 20 08 02 00 29 0F

25-Dec 19:36:13 Host>>CC: 00 0009 CONNECT_REQ

25-Dec 19:36:13 Call to '16785226132' connected.

25-Dec 19:36:13 Call to '16785226132' connected.

25-Dec 19:36:13 CC>>Host: 02 8028 CONNECT_IND

25-Dec 19:36:13 Sent  = 02 01 01 20

25-Dec 19:36:13 M - 07 CONNECT

25-Dec 19:36:13 Prot:08  CRL:2  CRV:8029

25-Dec 19:36:13 Ctl:INFO     Ns:15   Nr:119

25-Dec 19:36:13 Recd = Sapi:00  C/R:C Tei:00

25-Dec 19:36:13 =================================================

25-Dec 19:36:13 Recd  = 02 01 1E EE 08 02 80 29 07

25-Dec 19:36:12 Recd  = 02 01 01 52

25-Dec 19:36:12 M - 01 ALERTING

25-Dec 19:36:12 Prot:08  CRL:2  CRV:800D

25-Dec 19:36:12 Ctl:INFO     Ns:40   Nr:30

25-Dec 19:36:12 Sent = Sapi:00  C/R:C Tei:00

25-Dec 19:36:12 =================================================

25-Dec 19:36:12 Sent  = 02 01 50 3C 08 02 80 0D 01

25-Dec 19:36:12 Gate opened to name by Alerting Msg.

25-Dec 19:36:12 Host>>CC: 00 0009 ALERTING_REQ

25-Dec 19:36:12 Call to 16785226132 ringing.

25-Dec 19:36:12 CC>>Host: 02 8028 ALERTING_IND

25-Dec 19:36:12 Sent  = 02 01 01 1E

25-Dec 19:36:12 M - 01 ALERTING

25-Dec 19:36:12 Prot:08  CRL:2  CRV:8029

25-Dec 19:36:12 Ctl:INFO     Ns:14   Nr:119

25-Dec 19:36:12 Recd = Sapi:00  C/R:C Tei:00

25-Dec 19:36:12 =================================================

25-Dec 19:36:12 Recd  = 02 01 1C EE 08 02 80 29 01

25-Dec 19:36:10 Recd  = 02 01 01 50

25-Dec 19:36:10 81 Description:NOT ENDtoEND ISDN

25-Dec 19:36:10 8A Location:INWK

25-Dec 19:36:10 IE - 1E PROGRESS INDICATOR  Len=2

25-Dec 19:36:10 M - 03 PROGRESS

25-Dec 19:36:10 Prot:08  CRL:2  CRV:800D

25-Dec 19:36:10 Ctl:INFO     Ns:39   Nr:30

25-Dec 19:36:10 Sent = Sapi:00  C/R:C Tei:00

25-Dec 19:36:10 =================================================

25-Dec 19:36:10 Sent  = 02 01 4E 3C 08 02 80 0D 03 1E 02 8A 81

25-Dec 19:36:10 Qie: 1E 02 8A 81

25-Dec 19:36:10 Host>>CC: 00 0009 PROGRESS_REQ

25-Dec 19:36:10 ie: 00 1E 03 00 00 81

25-Dec 19:36:10 ie: 00 08 04 80 83 00 9F

25-Dec 19:36:10 CC>>Host: 02 8028 PROGRESS_IND

25-Dec 19:36:10 Sent  = 02 01 01 1C

25-Dec 19:36:10 81 Description:NOT ENDtoEND ISDN

25-Dec 19:36:10 8A Location:INWK

25-Dec 19:36:10 IE - 1E PROGRESS INDICATOR  Len=2

25-Dec 19:36:10 9F Cause:UNSPECIFIED_CAUSE

25-Dec 19:36:10 83 Location:TN

25-Dec 19:36:10 IE - 08 CAUSE               Len=2

25-Dec 19:36:10 M - 03 PROGRESS

25-Dec 19:36:10 Prot:08  CRL:2  CRV:8029

25-Dec 19:36:10 Ctl:INFO     Ns:13   Nr:119

25-Dec 19:36:10 Recd = Sapi:00  C/R:C Tei:00

25-Dec 19:36:10 =================================================

25-Dec 19:36:10 81

25-Dec 19:36:10 Recd  = 02 01 1A EE 08 02 80 29 03 08 02 83 9F 1E

25-Dec 19:36:09 Gate opened to name by Proceeding Msg.

25-Dec 19:36:09 ie: 00 18 0B 81 81 80 81 00 00 80 03 00 40 00

25-Dec 19:36:09 CC>>Host: 02 8028 CALL_PROCEEDING_IND

25-Dec 19:36:09 Sent  = 02 01 01 1A

25-Dec 19:36:09 8f Channel:15

25-Dec 19:36:09 83 Numb/Map:NUMBER

25-Dec 19:36:09 Chan. Sel:FOLLOWS

25-Dec 19:36:09 D-Chan Indicated:NO

25-Dec 19:36:09 Pref/Excl:EXCLUSIVE

25-Dec 19:36:09 Intfc ID:IMPLICIT

25-Dec 19:36:09 A9 Primary Rate

25-Dec 19:36:09 IE - 18 CHANNEL ID          Len=3

25-Dec 19:36:09 M - 02 CALL_PROC

25-Dec 19:36:09 Prot:08  CRL:2  CRV:8029

25-Dec 19:36:09 Ctl:INFO     Ns:12   Nr:119

25-Dec 19:36:09 Recd = Sapi:00  C/R:C Tei:00

25-Dec 19:36:09 =================================================

25-Dec 19:36:09 Recd  = 02 01 18 EE 08 02 80 29 02 18 03 A9 83 8F

25-Dec 19:36:09 Recd  = 00 01 01 EE

25-Dec 19:36:09 Recd  = 02 01 01 4E

25-Dec 19:36:09 16785226132 Pri. accepted: slot Ntw1, port 1

25-Dec 19:36:09 ANI 7038582327 / DNIS 16785226132

25-Dec 19:36:09 Dialing 16785226132

25-Dec 19:36:09 Ph.# 16785226132

25-Dec 19:36:09 Numb. Plan:ISDN/Telephony

25-Dec 19:36:09 A1 Numb. Type:NATIONAL

25-Dec 19:36:09 IE - 70 CALLED PARTY #      Len=12

25-Dec 19:36:09 Ph.# 7038582327

25-Dec 19:36:09 80 Presentation:ALLOWED

25-Dec 19:36:09 Numb. Plan:ISDN/Telephony

25-Dec 19:36:09 21 Numb. Type:NATIONAL

25-Dec 19:36:09 IE - 6C CALLING PARTY #     Len=12

25-Dec 19:36:09 8f Channel:15

25-Dec 19:36:09 83 Numb/Map:NUMBER

25-Dec 19:36:09 Chan. Sel:FOLLOWS

25-Dec 19:36:09 D-Chan Indicated:NO

25-Dec 19:36:09 Pref/Excl:PREFERRED

25-Dec 19:36:09 Intfc ID:IMPLICIT

25-Dec 19:36:09 A1 Primary Rate

25-Dec 19:36:09 IE - 18 CHANNEL ID          Len=3

25-Dec 19:36:09 A2 Layer 1:u-Law

25-Dec 19:36:09 90 Xfer Rate:64k

25-Dec 19:36:09 90 Xfer Cap.:3.1 kHz AUDIO

25-Dec 19:36:09 IE - 04 BEARER CAPABILITY   Len=3

25-Dec 19:36:09 M - 05 SETUP

25-Dec 19:36:09 Prot:08  CRL:2  CRV:0029

25-Dec 19:36:09 Ctl:INFO     Ns:118   Nr:12

25-Dec 19:36:09 Sent = Sapi:00  C/R:R Tei:00

25-Dec 19:36:09 =================================================

25-Dec 19:36:09 37 70 0C A1 31 36 37 38 35 32 32 36 31 33

25-Dec 19:36:09 A1 83 8F 6C 0C 21 80 37 30 33 38 35 38 32

25-Dec 19:36:09 Sent  = 00 01 EC 18 08 02 00 29 05 04 03 90 90 A2

25-Dec 19:36:09 ie: 00 70 0D 82 81 31 36 37 38 35 32 32 36 31

25-Dec 19:36:09 ie: 00 6C 0E 82 81 80 80 37 30 33 38 35 38 32

25-Dec 19:36:09 ie: 00 04 0A 80 90 80 90 00 00 00 00 00 82

25-Dec 19:36:09 Host>>CC: 00 8028 SETUP_REQ

25-Dec 19:36:09 84 Channel:4

25-Dec 19:36:09 83 Numb/Map:NUMBER

25-Dec 19:36:09 Chan. Sel:FOLLOWS

25-Dec 19:36:09 D-Chan Indicated:NO

25-Dec 19:36:09 Pref/Excl:EXCLUSIVE

25-Dec 19:36:09 Intfc ID:IMPLICIT

25-Dec 19:36:09 A9 Primary Rate

25-Dec 19:36:09 IE - 18 CHANNEL ID          Len=3

25-Dec 19:36:09 M - 02 CALL_PROC

25-Dec 19:36:09 Prot:08  CRL:2  CRV:800D

25-Dec 19:36:09 Ctl:INFO     Ns:38   Nr:30

25-Dec 19:36:09 Sent = Sapi:00  C/R:C Tei:00

25-Dec 19:36:09 =================================================

25-Dec 19:36:09 Sent  = 02 01 4C 3C 08 02 80 0D 02 18 03 A9 83 84

25-Dec 19:36:09 ie: 00 18 0B 81 81 80 81 80 00 80 03 00 00 08

25-Dec 19:36:09 Host>>CC: 00 0009 CALL_PROCEEDING_REQ

25-Dec 19:36:09 Call to ATLAS:'16785226132' from ''.

25-Dec 19:36:09 ie: 00 70 0D 80 80 31 36 37 38 35 32 32 36 31

25-Dec 19:36:09 ie: 00 18 0B 81 81 80 81 00 00 80 03 00 00 08

25-Dec 19:36:09 ie: 00 04 0A 80 90 80 90 00 00 00 00 00 82

25-Dec 19:36:09 CC>>Host: 02 0009 SETUP_IND

25-Dec 19:36:09 Sent  = 00 01 01 3C

25-Dec 19:36:09 Ph.# 16785226132

25-Dec 19:36:09 Numb. Plan:UNKNOWN

25-Dec 19:36:09 80 Numb. Type:UNKNOWN

25-Dec 19:36:09 IE - 70 CALLED PARTY #      Len=12

25-Dec 19:36:09 84 Channel:4

25-Dec 19:36:09 83 Numb/Map:NUMBER

25-Dec 19:36:09 Chan. Sel:FOLLOWS

25-Dec 19:36:09 D-Chan Indicated:NO

25-Dec 19:36:09 Pref/Excl:EXCLUSIVE

25-Dec 19:36:09 Intfc ID:IMPLICIT

25-Dec 19:36:09 A9 Primary Rate

25-Dec 19:36:09 IE - 18 CHANNEL ID          Len=3

25-Dec 19:36:09 A2 Layer 1:u-Law

25-Dec 19:36:09 90 Xfer Rate:64k

25-Dec 19:36:09 90 Xfer Cap.:3.1 kHz AUDIO

25-Dec 19:36:09 IE - 04 BEARER CAPABILITY   Len=3

25-Dec 19:36:09 M - 05 SETUP

25-Dec 19:36:09 Prot:08  CRL:2  CRV:000D

25-Dec 19:36:09 Ctl:INFO     Ns:29   Nr:38

25-Dec 19:36:09 Recd = Sapi:00  C/R:R Tei:00

25-Dec 19:36:09 =================================================

25-Dec 19:36:09 32

25-Dec 19:36:09 A9 83 84 70 0C 80 31 36 37 38 35 32 32 36

25-Dec 19:36:09 Recd  = 00 01 3A 4C 08 02 00 0D 05 04 03 90 90 A2

Not applicable

Re: Unable to make outbound install on a new circuit and configuration

I can't tell the Slot/Port that these messages are sent or received on - because that part is not in the log, but from what you show:

The ATLAS receives a SETUP for 16785226132

It responds with a CALL_PROC (call proceeding) acknowledgment

The ATLAS transmits a SETUP for 16785226132 to the PSTN

It receives a CALL_PROC acknowledgment

It receives an ALERTING

The ATLAS transmits the ALERTING to the originating device

The ATLAS receives a CONNECT from the PSTN

The ATLAS transmits a CONNECT_ACK

The ATLAS transmits a CONNECT to the originating device

The ATLAS receives a CONNECT_ACK from the originating device

The ATLAS then receives a DISCONNECT from the PSTN with a cause of NORMAL_CLEARING. This indicates the far end hung up the call.

So from this, as long as all the interfaces are correct, then the answering side is hanging up the call after about 5 seconds.

Hope this helps,


New Contributor

Re: Unable to make outbound install on a new circuit and configuration


It does help.  The number it's dialing is my cell phone, so I know it's not making it all the way.  It should at least ring.  I do the same from another (functioning) environment and I get the fax handshake tones when I answer the call.  There is a message in the log that says "25-Dec 19:36:10 81 Description:NOT ENDtoEND ISDN" .  Is this an issue?  I understand I should be able to dial any number and the call ring through regardless if it is a POTS number or ISDN.

Not applicable

Re: Unable to make outbound install on a new circuit and configuration

The "NOT ENDtoEND ISDN" is just to let you know that it is no ISDN all the way to the destination. This is more for DATA type calls than voice calls. This message doesn't end the call, but is sent to let you know it is being switched to another transport that is not ISDN.

With there being a CONNECT message, I'm afraid you'll have to have the PRI provider do a call trace to find out what's happening with the call, why there's a CONNECT and why the DISCONNECT when your phone never rings.

New Contributor

Re: Unable to make outbound install on a new circuit and configuration

Patrick,  thank you.  Your assistance has helped cut the problem in half.  I'll reach out to the provider and schedule a trace.  I'll update the thread when I know more.