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AppleTV services needed to allow AirPlay (mirroring)

We have a BSC600 controller.  We have an AppleTV in our meeting room we want to use with the BSC wireless system, to share our iPhones and iPad screens with the AppleTV.  I know I need to allow services though the BSC to use this feature but I must be missing one or more.  Does anyone know what services do I need to open up to allow it use with the BlueSocket controller BSC-600?

Thank you.

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Re: AppleTV services needed to allow AirPlay (mirroring)

You would need to add a multicast route and broadcast route to the BSC.   By default, BlueSecure Access Points (BSAPs) tunnel traffic back to the BlueSecure Controller (BSC) in EtherIP (IP Protocol 97). By default the BSC does not send broadcast and multicast traffic back out the EtherIP tunnels therefore other clients will not see the traffic and not be able to locate devices and services.  The following article provides a good example of what needs to be configured and where to configure this in the BSC.

How come Apple Bonjour (Formerly Rendezvous) is unable to locate devices and services that are on th...

New Contributor

Re: AppleTV services needed to allow AirPlay (mirroring)


When I look at adding the Mulicast it mentions "Multicast routing is activated when at least two interfaces are enabled for multicast"  I only have 1 managed interface.  Am I missing something or am I looking in the wrong place to add this? BSC-600 version 6.4

New Contributor

Re: AppleTV services needed to allow AirPlay (mirroring)

When I added broadcast of Gateway and Netmask users were not able to log in. 

Do you have a sample of what the Multicast and Broadcast settings should look like?

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Re: AppleTV services needed to allow AirPlay (mirroring)

The below examples are using the most current version of BSC firmware and Bluepatch 1.  This firmware can be found by navigating the drop down menus from our Software Downloads page.  Please Note: The SSID also has "Edge-to-Edge" Disabled.

This example will be using the Manged interface (


To add add a static route, Navigate to Network > Create > Static Route and add the following:



Multicast Route:


New Contributor

Re: AppleTV services needed to allow AirPlay (mirroring)

Nick,  Thank you for your help, this is how I had set it up and as soon as I added the Broadcast setting and restarted the system, my wireless users were not able to complete log-in process, it would try but eventually time out. 

Not applicable

Re: AppleTV services needed to allow AirPlay (mirroring)

Can you please confirm you are using BSC firmware with Bluepatch 1 and that your SSID does not have "Edge-to-Edge" mode enabled (Wireless > SSID > Edit > Edge-to-Edge)?

Not applicable

Re: AppleTV services needed to allow AirPlay (mirroring)

I went ahead and flagged this post as "Assumed Answered". If any of the responses on this thread assisted you, please mark them as Correct or Helpful as the case may be with the applicable buttons. This will make them visible and help other members of the community find solutions more easily. If you have any additional information on this that others may benefit from, please come back to this post to provide an update. If you still need assistance, we would be more than happy to continue working with you on this - just let us know in a reply.

