Within the ADTRAN Support Community, we want you to feel safe and free to express your thoughts, ideas, suggestions, and knowledge. In the interest of providing a healthy forum to share that knowledge, we ask that you report any content that is offensive, vulgar, or violates the in any way. We are counting on all community members to work together to create a respectable and flourishing community.
Please report any type of inappropriate content by using the Report Inappropriate Content link available within the discussion boards. Using this link will notify a community administrator to investigate the content and remove it if necessary.
To report inappropriate content within a thread or on a post, select the option menu (three vertical dots) at the top right of the post, and select Report Inappropriate Content from the drop-down menu.
Once you have selected the Report Inappropriate Content option, you will be directed to a new page where you can enter the reasons this should be flagged as inappropriate. Put a short description in the provided field, and select Notify Moderator to complete the notification process.