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How do I turn off Spanning Tree on the NV 1234P?

I have an NEC phone system that will not support spanning tree. How can I turn it off for the port connected to the NEC SIP server?

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Re: How do I turn off Spanning Tree on the NV 1234P?

The server shouldn't care as spanning-tree is used between switches. Edge devices are plugged in to spanning-tree enabled ports all the time without any issues.

However, this will do it per-interface in interface-configuration mode:

spanning-tree edgeport

spanning-tree bpdufilter enable

Beware that if a switch port so configured becomes connected to another switch in a loop, it will bring the whole network crashing down in short order.

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Re: How do I turn off Spanning Tree on the NV 1234P?

I agree not what i would call best pratice however the nec manual clearly states that it needs to be off.