I have absolutely no networking experience and I have been handed a project involving using a NetVanta 1531P in a remote building to power some networked cameras.
I have the bridges setup, but for the life of me I cannot get this switch to hook to our Cisco devices. It will allow me to connect with my computer, but will not hook into our network.
Sorry for being vague, hopefully someone can help a newbie out. Thanks in advance.
It should work out of the box as a "dumb" switch unless it's been previously configured. Are you getting link lights? Are the cameras powering on?
If the rest of the network is using VLANs for the camera network, you're going to either learn to configure VLANs on it or work with someone experienced in configuring network gear. Fortunately, the configuration commands for this and Cisco equipment are very similar.
I get link lights on the port that my computer is hooked to. The port I use for my existing networking shows no linking/activity, no matter what port.
I haven't plugged the cameras in yet, as I couldn't get the switch on the existing network.
I have defaulted it several times trying to get it to link up to no avail.