@travisrigby - The links below go over how to configure a basic QoS map over the web interface and CLI:
Configuring QoS in AOS in the GUI (video) - https://supportforums.adtran.com/videos/1046
Configuring QoS for Voice over PPP WAN Interface (CLI) - https://supportforums.adtran.com/docs/DOC-2654
Configuring QoS for Voice over Ethernet WAN Interface (CLI) - https://supportforums.adtran.com/docs/DOC-3406
There are some statistics you can look at to verify whether packets are matching the QoS map and, in some cases, whether prioritized traffic is being dropped due to insufficient priority bandwidth being available.
In the web interface, you can navigate to the "QoS Maps" page and look under the 'Map Conversation Statistics' to see the matched packets and dropped packets for interfaces that have been assigned QoS policies using class-based bandwidth queuing or priority rate limiters.
In the CLI, you can use the command, "show qos map interface <interface>". Below is an example of this output:
router#show qos map interface eth 0/1
eth 0/1
qos-policy out: Voice
map entry 5
match IP packets with a DSCP value of 46
priority bandwidth: unlimited
note: since unlimited, other qos bandwidths cannot be assured
packets matched: 11108252, bytes matched: 2803803116
map entry default
packets matched: 37485213, bytes matched: 4794475242
5 minute offered rate 17168 bits/sec, drop rate 0 bits/sec
Let us know if you have any further questions.
@travisrigby - The links below go over how to configure a basic QoS map over the web interface and CLI:
Configuring QoS in AOS in the GUI (video) - https://supportforums.adtran.com/videos/1046
Configuring QoS for Voice over PPP WAN Interface (CLI) - https://supportforums.adtran.com/docs/DOC-2654
Configuring QoS for Voice over Ethernet WAN Interface (CLI) - https://supportforums.adtran.com/docs/DOC-3406
There are some statistics you can look at to verify whether packets are matching the QoS map and, in some cases, whether prioritized traffic is being dropped due to insufficient priority bandwidth being available.
In the web interface, you can navigate to the "QoS Maps" page and look under the 'Map Conversation Statistics' to see the matched packets and dropped packets for interfaces that have been assigned QoS policies using class-based bandwidth queuing or priority rate limiters.
In the CLI, you can use the command, "show qos map interface <interface>". Below is an example of this output:
router#show qos map interface eth 0/1
eth 0/1
qos-policy out: Voice
map entry 5
match IP packets with a DSCP value of 46
priority bandwidth: unlimited
note: since unlimited, other qos bandwidths cannot be assured
packets matched: 11108252, bytes matched: 2803803116
map entry default
packets matched: 37485213, bytes matched: 4794475242
5 minute offered rate 17168 bits/sec, drop rate 0 bits/sec
Let us know if you have any further questions.
@travisrigby - I marked this as "assumed answered," but if you have further questions on this topic do not hesitate to reply. I will be happy to help.
I went ahead and flagged the "Correct Answer" on this post to make it more visible and help other members of the community find solutions more easily. If you don't feel like the answer I marked was correct, feel free to come back to this post and unmark it and select another in its place with the applicable buttons. If you still need assistance, we would be more than happy to continue working with you on this - just let us know in a reply.