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Can I use the Netvanta to register a line on some Aastra phones

Can I use the Netvanta to register a line on some Aastra phones so I can provide dial tone and make calls via a FXo line tied to a local POTS line from PSTN to make calls?

The Netvanta is only acting as the dial tone for this one line to the Aastra phones, where they are connected to a Metaswitch as hosted PBX for all other services.

I just want to register the line on one button of the Aastra phone to the Netvanta to provide local calls. This would also need to provide the line on multiple Aastra phones off the same line.

Does this sound doable?

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Re: Can I use the Netvanta to register a line on some Aastra phones

Build a voice user type SIP for the phone, set up the FXO as a trunk, put your local dialplan as accepted in grouped-trunk and away you go.

You can also have the phone ring when the FXO gets a call.  Assign an extension to the phone, and under the voice trunk to which the FXO is mapped, enter trunk-number <extension> .

Re: Can I use the Netvanta to register a line on some Aastra phones

Do you have a config example? You stated to build voice user type SIP that was not an option for voice user, it wants a telephone number. I have the second part working it is the first part I have been having trouble with. I think I need to register the line on the Aastra phone to the Netvanta so I can get dial tone and dial out the local POTS via the FXO port with the local POTS line connected. The Aastra phone is on a public IP behind a SBC that is part of HPBX off of a Metaswitch. All other lines on the phone are registered to the Meta. Only one line will register to the Netvanta so the customer can push that line to make and receive local calls as they are not in our LATA. They will be a office that is part of a business group with multiple locations that are in a different LATA.

Thanks for any help.


Not applicable

Re: Can I use the Netvanta to register a line on some Aastra phones


Were you able to come up with a solution to this?  If so, can you post an update so others can benefit from the information?


Not applicable

Re: Can I use the Netvanta to register a line on some Aastra phones


     If I understand correctly you want to have phones that are actually registered to an off-site hosted PBX to use a second identity registration that connects to the local 7100 which then gets dial tone from local Analog lines when ever the users select that line on the phone.  This should be doable as long as the phones support multiple registrations.  Here are some configs examples to build off of I am assuming you have all other pieces working correctly.

voice trunk T01 type analog supervision loop-start

  connect fxo 0/1

  rtp delay-mode adaptive


voice trunk T02 type analog supervision loop-start

  connect fxo 0/2

  rtp delay-mode adaptive


voice grouped-trunk LOCALANALOG

  trunk T01

  trunk T02

  accept NXX-XXXX cost 0

  accept 911 cost 0

  accept NXX-NXX-XXXX cost 0

voice user 5551111 (Make sure the numbers here do not interfere with other numbers being used)

  connect sip

  password madeupsecurepasswordhere

  caller-id-override external-number 5555551234 (use local number here)

  sip-authentication password  madeupsecurepasswordhere


John Wable