Has anyone gotten remote phones working? I followed the orginal remote phone config guide for R10, not work. Just found the update released 10/12/2010 and followed it still not working. This is what I have:
Adtran Demo unit with Public IP on ETH 0
Show Ver:
ADTRAN, Inc. OS version R10.3.1.E
Hardware version 10A
Boot ROM version A2.06.B1.01
Upgraded to R 4.12 from 4.03
Upgraded again from R4.12 to R10.3
Following is scrubed Config:
ip subnet-zero
ip classless
ip routing
ipv6 unicast-routing
domain-name "adtrandemo.catg.com"
name-server x.x.x.x
no auto-config
event-history on
no logging forwarding
logging email on
logging email priority-level fatal
logging email receiver-ip smtp.youremailserver.com auth-username your_username auth-password your_password
logging email address-list you@youremailserver.com
logging email exception-report address-list admin@yourserver.com
logging email ip urlfilter top-websites address-list your_email@your_server.com
logging email ip urlfilter top-websites send-time 23:59:59
logging email sender NetVanta7100
service password-encryption
portal-list "IPPhoneFTP" ftp
username "ftpuser" portal-list "IPPhoneFTP" password encrypted ""
username "polycomftp" portal-list "IPPhoneFTP" password encrypted ""
ip firewall
ip firewall stealth
no ip firewall alg msn
no ip firewall alg mszone
no ip firewall alg h323
ip dhcp database local
ip dhcp pool "VoIP_pool"
netbios-node-type h-node
tftp-server tftp://
timezone-offset -6:00
option 157 ascii TftpServers=,FtpServers=,FtpLogin=ftpuser,FtpPassword=ftppassword,Layer2Tagging=True,VlanID=2
ip dhcp pool "LAN_pool"
netbios-node-type h-node
tftp-server tftp://
timezone-offset -6:00
option 157 ascii TftpServers=,FtpServers=,FtpLogin=ftpuser,FtpPassword=ftppassword,Layer2Tagging=True,VlanID=2
ip urlfilter Web_Http_Filter http
ip urlfilter allowmode
ip urlfilter top-website
qos map ConfigWizardQoSMap 20
match dscp 46
priority 2000
set dscp 46
set cos 7
vlan 1
name "Default"
vlan 2
name "VoIP"
interface eth 0/0
ip address X.X.X.X
media-gateway ip primary
no shutdown
no lldp send-and-receive
interface vlan 1
ip address
ip access-policy Private
ip urlfilter Web_Http_Filter in
ip urlfilter Web_Http_Filter out
media-gateway ip primary
no shutdown
interface vlan 2
ip address
ip access-policy Private
media-gateway ip primary
no shutdown
ip access-list standard wizard-ics
remark Internet Connection Sharing
permit any
ip access-list extended InterVLAN
permit ip
--MORE-- permit ip
ip access-list extended self
remark Traffic to Netvanta
permit ip any any log
ip access-list extended SIP
remark Simple Remote Phone SIP Traffic
permit udp host X.X.X.X any eq 5060 (X.X.X.X = remote end public IP)
permit ip host X.X.X.X any (X.X.X.X = remote end public IP)
ip access-list extended web-acl-3
remark Close http and ftp when on Internet
permit tcp any any eq www log
permit tcp any any eq telnet log
permit tcp any any eq https log
permit tcp any any eq ssh log
permit tcp any any eq ftp log
permit icmp any any echo log
ip access-list extended web-acl-5
remark Remote Phone Access 5060
permit udp any any eq 5060
permit tcp any any eq 5060 log
ip policy-class Private
allow list self self
allow list InterVLAN
nat source list wizard-ics interface eth 0/0 overload
ip policy-class Public
allow list web-acl-3 self
allow list web-acl-5 stateless
allow list SIP self
ip route X.X.X.X
tftp server
tftp server overwrite
http server
http session-timeout 1800
http secure-server
no snmp agent
ip ftp server
ip ftp server default-filesystem cflash
ip scp server
ip sntp server
ip sntp server send-unsynced
ip sip
ip sip udp 5060
ip sip tcp 5060
voice user 5555
connect sip
cos "executive_users"
first-name "John"
last-name "Test"
password encrypted ""
sip-authentication password encrypted ""
codec-group g711_first
voicemail auth-mode password
voicemail password encrypted ""
voicemail notify schedule Sunday 12:00 am
ip sip authenticate
ip sip registrar
no ip sip registrar authenticate
ip sip registrar default-expires 180
ip sip grammar from host domain
ip sip grammar to host domain
ip sip qos dscp 46
ip sip hmr SIP_GLOBAL_OUT out
ip sip database local
ip sdp grammar hold rfc3264
hmr policy SIP_GLOBAL_OUT
message-rule CHANGE_EXPIRES_TIME message-type response 10
match header sip-status-line match-value /200/
match header from match-value /5\d{3}/
match header CSeq match-value /REGISTER/i
modify header expires position first-match new-value /55/ 10
modify header contact position first-match match-value /(;expires=)\d+/i new-value /\155/ 20
ip rtp quality-monitoring
ip rtp quality-monitoring sip
I used the user config to generate a password, then I set the phone IP 706 to connect to the public address of the 7100 for TFTP and FTP. The phone contacts the TFTP server (Suseccfully) then it changes to the default internal address for FTP even though it is configured for the public address and then it can't download the config. It seems to me there are some steps missing somewhere maybe on the phone side. Or does this new setup still require a VPN I was under the impression a VPN was no longer required.
John Wable
Some Additional Information:
Doing some testing it I have discovered a few additional items of interest. Since the remote phones are already in the field I started thinking possible the issues could be related to the firmware of the phones not updating through the remote connection, so I setup a computer running an FTP server and a TFTP and put all the files adtran_*.txt files plus the upgraded firmware files the adtran_system.csv file and the iconpixmap.bmp file and then pointed the phone to the local server. Looking at the FTP logs I noticed that the phone was trying to connect to the FTP using admin for the username instead of the polycomftp, but it did successfully download all the file via TFTP. Which goes back to the above post of the unit failing to connect to FTP and then changing to the default IP address for TFTP not working. As an additional experiment I set the FTP server to have a username of admin and password of password and then reset the Adtran phone to Factory Defaults and disabled the local TFTP server, rebooted the phone and it successfully connected via FTP and downloaded all files. So it appears that you will have to set the DHCP options for FTP credentials on the remote site DHCP server in order for the phone to properly connect via FTP to download the configurations. Do to an internet issue at the remote site I have not been able to test connectivity to the 7100 yet now that all the config and firmware items have been downloaded to the phone. However I will let everyone know once it is done. Also once it is tested and working on the first phone I will add the DHCP options to the remote sites DHCP scope and test the FTP connection again and see if it will then connect to the 7100 and download the needed files.
John Wable
As a test I changed TFTP on the phone to when FTP ran it tried to go to the proper public IP address but it failed to connect, this tells me that the phone is reaching the TFTP server when it is set to the public IP and the 7100 is telling the phone to use the Private Address of the FTP server, which it doesn't know how to get there. Most other systems that support remote phones have a place where you configure the public IP address of the SIP Server, however other then the TFTP and FTP settings on the phone I do not see anything like that.
John Wable
Some Additional Information:
Doing some testing it I have discovered a few additional items of interest. Since the remote phones are already in the field I started thinking possible the issues could be related to the firmware of the phones not updating through the remote connection, so I setup a computer running an FTP server and a TFTP and put all the files adtran_*.txt files plus the upgraded firmware files the adtran_system.csv file and the iconpixmap.bmp file and then pointed the phone to the local server. Looking at the FTP logs I noticed that the phone was trying to connect to the FTP using admin for the username instead of the polycomftp, but it did successfully download all the file via TFTP. Which goes back to the above post of the unit failing to connect to FTP and then changing to the default IP address for TFTP not working. As an additional experiment I set the FTP server to have a username of admin and password of password and then reset the Adtran phone to Factory Defaults and disabled the local TFTP server, rebooted the phone and it successfully connected via FTP and downloaded all files. So it appears that you will have to set the DHCP options for FTP credentials on the remote site DHCP server in order for the phone to properly connect via FTP to download the configurations. Do to an internet issue at the remote site I have not been able to test connectivity to the 7100 yet now that all the config and firmware items have been downloaded to the phone. However I will let everyone know once it is done. Also once it is tested and working on the first phone I will add the DHCP options to the remote sites DHCP scope and test the FTP connection again and see if it will then connect to the 7100 and download the needed files.
John Wable
The above manual upgrade and installation of the files resolved the issue allowing the phone to connect remotely with only needing to set the FTP settings in the phone menu. So if you are deploying remote phones that have not already been connected to the 7100 directly you will need either manualy update the phones, or set the DHCP options including the proper username and password for FTP connections.
John Wable
Thanks for providing this information for everyone to benefit from. There was another related post that I just responded to here:
Also, manual and DHCP instructions for both Polycom and ADTRAN IP 700 phones can be found in this post:
I wanted to link these posts together to help anyone else that needs assistance with this later. Again thanks for the detailed information.
Message was edited by: matt - updated to link new post
Thanks for the additional information. I would recommend Adtran add that information to the Remote Configuration guide so others do not have to try and figure it out. The problem I ended up having was the remote site DHCP server did not allow for additional DHCP options and I could not get the phone to upgrade the firmware and since it had already been deployed and was working for internal calls (one way audio on external calls) the answer ended up being manually update the phones with a local ftp server at the remote site.
John Wable
Thanks for the feedback. I agree that information should be in the guide. I will work with our Technical Publications group to see if we can add it in a future version. I also wanted to let you know that I updated the DHCP example in the post I linked to this one. My original syntax for the tftp-server command was missing the "/polycom" path.
One more thing I wanted to note on this post is that FTP and SIP should be restricted from the outside to only trusted and known IP addresses or hostnames. In the example configuration above web-acl-3 and web-acl-5 allow those protocols from any source, which could be a risk. Our has some good guidelines to follow in this area.