Has anyone successfully setup Bandwidth.com SIP Trunks?
They provide 2 main IP address, then multiple media IP address for each.
Bandwidth SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) signaling protocol is designed for RFC3261. If any other method is used, calls will fail to set up.
If your PBX is protected by a firewall, the manufacturer compliance will need to be verified that the firewall has the ability to act as either a SIP ALG or a Back-to-Back User Agent (B2BUA). The following ports are required to allow for full 2-way audio:
interface eth 0/1
ip address your.public.ip.address
no shutdown
media-gateway ip primary
ip access-list standard AllowSIP
permit host 216.x.x.x
permit host 216.x.x.x
voice codec-list trunk
codec g711ulaw
codec g729
voice trunk T02 type sip
description "Bandwidth"
match dnis "NXX-NXX-XXXX" substitute "1-NXX-NXX-XXXX"
match dnis "011$" substitute "$"
sip-server primary 216.x.x.x
sip-server secondary 216.x.x.x
codec-list trunk both
voice grouped-trunk SIP
trunk T02
accept $ cost 0
sip access-class ip "AllowSIP" in
Oh by the way, then, if I were me (and I am) I would lock down SSH and disable telnet.
no username admin
username "me" password encrypted "02d7dy1f0a3b963175g5f46a58a7da42f"
ip access-list standard AllowSSH
permit 65.x.x.x
permit host 145.x.x.x
line con 0
login local-userlist
line telnet 0 4
login local-userlist
line ssh 0 4
login local-userlist
no shutdown
ip access-class AllowSSH in