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Looking to hire someone to help us get going with SIP to PRI 908e

I have a project that has been effected by another manufacturer ending sales on the product we were using so now im in a time crunch and looking for someone with experience with the Total access to help us get going.

We are using them to convert SIP trunks to a PRI handoff to our PBX. We handle the PBX and have a firm grip on that side so its really just getting the SIP test numbers ringing in and out via the 908e.

Happy to hire someone to help us get going.


Sorry if this isn't allowed, I checked and didn't see otherwise.

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2 Replies

Re: Looking to hire someone to help us get going with SIP to PRI 908e

Adtran has a ProStart team that can help you with this. You can reach out to your distribution partner to get a quote, or alternatively message me directly and I can help get you in contact with an Account Manager or Distribution partner.

Re: Looking to hire someone to help us get going with SIP to PRI 908e

@BradR Thanks, I have reached out to my distributer and don't seem to be getting anywhere. I would appreciate the help. (i couldnt figure out how to DM you)