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New Contributor

New to Adtran - Rollover / Hunt question

I have a TA904. Very new to VOIP.  I have somehow managed to self teach enough to get a 4 line Innomedia with a business group (metaswitch) that is a hunt group, and an Adtran with four separate, ungrouped lines attached to it.  I will say that the way that the company I work for currently barely uses these devices for what they're capable of... these appear to be fully capable of acting as a router in addition to a voip platform. We're only using them for VOIP, and we put them behind routers, to boot.

Is it possible to use the Adtran rather than metaswitch to build a hunt group that rolls over?

The hunt group I have now:

No lines busy. Someone calls in. Line one rings.

Line one busy. Someone calls in. Line two rings.

Lines one and two busy. Someone calls in. Line three rings.

Lines two and three busy. Someone calls in. Line one rings.

All that hunt group is doing is finding an open line.

An example that I want, and whether or not this is doable on the Adtran itself:

No lines busy. Someone calls in. Line one rings.

No lines busy. Someone calls in. Line two rings.

No lines busy. Someone calls in. Line three rings.


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16 Replies
Not applicable

Re: New to Adtran - Rollover / Hunt question


Our IPBG FXS user solution only supports the type of hunt group that you currently have configured as outlined here:  Configuring Hunt Groups in SIP IPBGs

We do not support "circular" hunting to where the calls are distributed equally between available ports. The IPBG FXS user solution only supports linear.

Let me know if you have any further questions.


New Contributor

Re: New to Adtran - Rollover / Hunt question

Ran into a problem.

I didn't have the harmonica on the back since 12/17. We had a shortage and mine had to go out to the field.

Now I have a new one. I'm unaware of anything changing on the adtran. Getting a dial tone, but not able to dial in or out.

New Contributor

Re: New to Adtran - Rollover / Hunt question

Here's the running config.

TA904#show run

Building configuration...



! ADTRAN, Inc. OS version 14.02.00.E

! Boot ROM version 12.06.00

! Platform: Total Access 904, part number

! Serial number



hostname "TA904"

enable password pass


clock timezone -6-Central-Time


ip subnet-zero

ip classless

ip domain-proxy

ip domain-name "ipdomain"

ip routing


no auto-config


event-history on

no logging forwarding

no logging email

logging email priority-level info


no service password-encryption


username "admin" password "pass"

username "operations" password "pass"



no ip firewall alg msn

no ip firewall alg h323













interface eth 0/1

  ip address dhcp hostname "Test904"

  media-gateway ip primary

  no shutdown





interface t1 0/1

  no shutdown


interface t1 0/2

  no shutdown



interface fxs 0/1

  no shutdown


interface fxs 0/2

  no shutdown


interface fxs 0/3

  no shutdown


interface fxs 0/4

  no shutdown








ip access-list extended protect-acl

permitted ips

  deny   ip any  any    log




no ip tftp server

no ip tftp server overwrite

no ip http server

no ip http secure-server

no ip snmp agent

no ip ftp server

no ip scp server

no ip sntp server








voice feature-mode network










voice codec-list TRUNK


  codec g711ulaw



voice trunk T01 type sip

  sip-server primary phoneserver

  registrar primary phoneserver

  outbound-proxy primary phoneserver

  domain "phoneserver"

  codec-group TRUNK



voice grouped-trunk NETWORK

  no description

  trunk T01

  accept $ cost 0





voice user number

  connect sip

  password "pin"

  no call-waiting

  sip-identity number T01 register auth-name "number" password "pass"



  codec-group TRUNK



voice user number

  connect fxs 0/2

  password "pin"

  sip-identity number T01 register auth-name "number" password "pass"



  codec-group TRUNK



voice user number

  connect fxs 0/3

  password "pin"

  sip-identity number T01 register auth-name "number" password "pass"



  codec-group TRUNK



voice user number

  connect fxs 0/4

  password "pin"

  sip-identity number T01 register auth-name "number" password "pass"



  codec-group TRUNK






ip sip






line con 0

  login local-userlist


line telnet 0 4


  password password

  line-timeout 0

  no shutdown

line ssh 0 4

  login local-userlist

  no shutdown


sntp server X.X.X.X



Also can't seem to get udp 5060 up.

TA904(config)#sip udp 5060

% Unrecognized command

Again...this worked up until now. Could I have a bad harmonica?    

Not applicable

Re: New to Adtran - Rollover / Hunt question

you are running crazy old software, first thing you need to do is upgrade your software on your unit.

after you do that and reboot, verify that you are registered:

#show sip trunk-registration

should look something like this:

Trk       Identity       Reg'd  Grant  Expires Success Failed Requests Chal Roll

--- -------------------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------ -------- ---- ----

T01           7709631001   Yes    3600     758     762      1     1524  762    0

T01           4409631001   Yes    3600     758     762      1     1524  762    0

T01           5509631001   Yes    3600     758     762      1     1524  762    0

T01           7709631002   Yes    3600     758     762      1     1524  762    0

if it shows your registered but still not able to place calls, then enter the following debug and attach it to the post via the website as a text document.

debug sip stack mes

debug voice verbose

debug sip cldu


New Contributor

Re: New to Adtran - Rollover / Hunt question

I had a feeling that was going to be one of the issues.

I'm running  a TA904.

I'm seeing multiple generations of firmware. Which do I go with?

New Contributor

Re: New to Adtran - Rollover / Hunt question


12:43:42 PM.0:1 Idle                 Processed OFFHOOK

12:43:42 PM.0:1 State change      >> Idle->Requesting Dialtone

12:43:42 SA. Ca:0 Idle                 rcvd: AcctPhoneMgr_appearance(ON) from PM

12:43:42 SA. Ca:0 State change      >> Idle->DigitGathering

12:43:42 SA. Ca:0 DigitGathering       sent: AcctPhoneMgr_cachg(CAS_ReqDigits) to PM

12:43:42 PM.0:1 Requesting Dialtone  CACHG:ReqDigits on primary CA

12:43:42 PM.0:1 State change      >> Requesting Dialtone->SendingDigits

12:43:42 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/1 - empty - DialTone Generation: Request resource

12:43:42 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/1 - dsp 0/1.3 - DialTone Generation: DSP channel allocated for the resource

12:43:42 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/1 - dsp 0/1.3 - DialTone Generation: constructed

12:43:42 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/1 - dsp 0/1.3 - DialTone Generation: starting

12:43:42 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/1 - dsp 0/1.3 - DialTone Generation: TDM map

12:43:42 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/1 - empty - Tone Detection: Request resource

12:43:42 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/1 - dsp 0/1.3 - Tone Detection: DSP channel allocated for the resource

12:43:42 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/1 - dsp 0/1.3 - Tone Detection: constructed

12:43:42 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/1 - dsp 0/1.3 - Tone Detection: starting

12:43:42 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/1 - dsp 0/1.3 - Tone Detection: TDM map

12:43:45 PM.0:1 SendingDigits        Digit 6 processed

12:43:45 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/1 - dsp 0/1.3 - Tone Detection: received digit (6) event

12:43:45 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/1 - dsp 0/1.3 - DialTone Generation: stopping

12:43:45 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/1 - dsp 0/1.3 - DialTone Generation: TDM unmap

12:43:45 RTP.CHANNEL fxs 0/1 - dsp 0/1.3 - DialTone Generation: releasing RTP resource

12:43:45 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/1 - dsp 0/1.3 - DialTone Generation: release

12:43:45 SA. Ca:0 DigitGathering       rcvd: AcctPhoneMgr_dialDigit(6) from PM

12:43:45 PM.0:1 SendingDigits        Digit 0 processed

12:43:45 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/1 - dsp 0/1.3 - Tone Detection: received digit (0) event

12:43:45 SA. Ca:0 DigitGathering       rcvd: AcctPhoneMgr_dialDigit(0) from PM

12:43:47 PM.0:1 SendingDigits        Digit 0 processed

12:43:47 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/1 - dsp 0/1.3 - Tone Detection: received digit (0) event

12:43:47 SA. Ca:0 DigitGathering       rcvd: AcctPhoneMgr_dialDigit(0) from PM

12:43:48 PM.0:1 SendingDigits        Digit 7 processed

12:43:48 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/1 - dsp 0/1.3 - Tone Detection: received digit (7) event

12:43:48 SA. Ca:0 DigitGathering       rcvd: AcctPhoneMgr_dialDigit(7) from PM

12:43:48 PM.0:1 SendingDigits        Digit 8 processed

12:43:48 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/1 - dsp 0/1.3 - Tone Detection: received digit (8) event

12:43:48 SA. Ca:0 DigitGathering       rcvd: AcctPhoneMgr_dialDigit(8) from PM

12:43:49 PM.0:1 SendingDigits        Digit 7 processed

12:43:49 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/1 - dsp 0/1.3 - Tone Detection: received digit (7) event

12:43:49 SA. Ca:0 DigitGathering       rcvd: AcctPhoneMgr_dialDigit(7) from PM

12:43:53 SA. Ca:0 State change      >> DigitGathering->DigitGathering

12:43:53 SA. Ca:0 State change      >> DigitGathering->Idle

12:43:53 SA. Ca:0 Idle                 sent: AcctPhoneMgr_cachg(CAS_Idle) to PM

12:43:53 PM.0:1 SendingDigits        Pri CA, Idle response, App OFF sent

12:43:53 PM.0:1 State change      >> SendingDigits->Clearing Fast Busy

12:43:53 SA. Ca:0 DigitGathering       Call not allowed under current COS

12:43:53 SA. Ca:0 Idle                 rcvd: AcctPhoneMgr_appearance(OFF) from PM

12:43:53 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/1 - empty - FastBusy Generation: Request resource

12:43:53 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/1 - dsp 0/1.3 - FastBusy Generation: DSP channel allocated for the resource

12:43:53 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/1 - dsp 0/1.3 - FastBusy Generation: constructed

12:43:53 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/1 - dsp 0/1.3 - FastBusy Generation: starting

12:43:53 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/1 - dsp 0/1.3 - FastBusy Generation: TDM map

12:43:53 PM.0:1 Clearing Fast Busy   FXS Port OffHook

12:43:56 PM.0:1 Clearing Fast Busy   Processed OnHook from non-holding condition

12:43:56 PM.0:1 State change      >> Clearing Fast Busy->Idle

12:43:56 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/1 - dsp 0/1.3 - FastBusy Generation: stopping

12:43:56 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/1 - dsp 0/1.3 - FastBusy Generation: TDM unmap

12:43:56 RTP.CHANNEL fxs 0/1 - dsp 0/1.3 - FastBusy Generation: releasing RTP resource

12:43:56 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/1 - dsp 0/1.3 - FastBusy Generation: release

12:43:56 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/1 - dsp 0/1.3 - Tone Detection: stopping

12:43:56 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/1 - dsp 0/1.3 - Tone Detection: TDM unmap

12:43:56 RTP.CHANNEL fxs 0/1 - dsp 0/1.3 - Tone Detection: releasing RTP resource

12:43:56 TONESERVICES.EVENTS fxs 0/1 - dsp 0/1.3 - Tone Detection: release

12:43:56 SA. rcvd: AcctPhoneMgr_COSOverride from PM

Not applicable

Re: New to Adtran - Rollover / Hunt question

You want to get the maint release which is R12.3.4


Not applicable

Re: New to Adtran - Rollover / Hunt question

Is that all your debug? You want to be telneting or SSH into the unit to get these debug and not serial.

Do a show debug

Looks like you dialed 600787

What did you actually dial?

You have no dial plan entries so you currently have to hit # or wait 4 seconds for call to complete.

Here are some examples:

voice dial-plan 1 local NXX-NXX-XXXX

voice dial-plan 2 long-distance 1-NXX-NXX-XXXX

voice dial-plan 3 extensions MXXX

voice dial-plan 4 international 011$

getting error:

12:43:53 SA. Ca:0 DigitGathering Call not allowed under current COS

Upgrade firmware.


New Contributor

Re: New to Adtran - Rollover / Hunt question

So uh...

%Disk Full or allocation exceeded....

bootstrap#show flash

2010 bytes used, 15301125 available, 15303135 total


28,993,880 bytes

So um. How does one stick a 30mb file into a system that can only handle 15mb that is also readable by bootstrap?    

New Contributor

Re: New to Adtran - Rollover / Hunt question


bootstrap#boot system flash

%Bad file signature.

'NONVOL:/' is not a valid image.

Primary image error.  Primary boot configuration not updated!!!

bootstrap#show flash


11197710 bytes used, 4105425 available, 15303135 total


Boot ROM version 12.06.00 from 2006.

Not finding boot roms.

Not applicable

Re: New to Adtran - Rollover / Hunt question

You downloaded a 900e file, you said you had a 904.

Do you have 904 or 908e

Do a sh version in bootstrap and send results.


Not applicable

Re: New to Adtran - Rollover / Hunt question

You have to delete the old version first then upload the new version.

But first we need to verify what actual unit you have to make sure you have the right firmware.


New Contributor

Re: New to Adtran - Rollover / Hunt question

I went where you linked me. I didn't see anything specific to a 904. It said 900/900e "series".  You type in 904 firmware into search, it all comes up as 900/900e series.

Boot ROM version 12.06.00

  Checksum: 8645, built on: Mon Aug 28 13:50:55 2006

Copyright (c) 1999-2006, ADTRAN, Inc.

Platform: Total Access 904, Part number 4210904L1

Serial number G40D9788

I think I see why we have a 604 on the shelf, too. Probably the same mistake.

Not applicable

Re: New to Adtran - Rollover / Hunt question

You have a very very old unit. It is first gen.

Latest firmware release for that is Jan 2012!

I would strongly recommend getting an newer unit.

But if you have to use this, then you will need to reload the software on it.

Go here:

Then select total access > Total Access 900 series > Total Access 904 (1st Gen)

Then upload that to the unit.

You will probably need to call support to get them to help you if you plan to use this unit with old firmware. I don’ t have a 1st gen around to test it with.


New Contributor

Re: New to Adtran - Rollover / Hunt question

Yeah, I did finally find that.

Found something for the 604 too. wasn't valid, which was more or less expected. did verify.... and load.

That ones good.

Little off about this other one though...

bootstrap#show version

Boot ROM version 12.00.19

  Checksum: 409B, built on: Mon Feb 13 15:21:45 2006

Copyright (c) 1999-2006, ADTRAN, Inc.

Platform: Total Access 904, ADSL, Part number 4210904L4

Serial number G15C1865

On the outside it says "Total Access 604"

I am going to take a guess that someone popped the wrong bootrom on?    

Not applicable

Re: New to Adtran - Rollover / Hunt question

Yeah not sure, it is showing up as an ADSL unit which we had for 600 series in the past.

You probably need to get on the phone with support to find out what is going on.

Sorry I can’t be of more assistance.
