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New Contributor II

cannot route to interface of 908e across SDWAN

interface eth 0/1

  description Outside

  ip address

  ip mtu 1500

  media-gateway ip primary

  traffic-shape rate 1000000

  max-reserved-bandwidth 100

  qos-policy out eth0/1QosWizard

  no shutdown



interface eth 0/2

  no ip address





interface gigabit-eth 0/1

  encapsulation 802.1q

  no shutdown


interface gigabit-eth 0/1.1

  vlan-id 20 native

  ip address

  media-gateway ip primary

  no shutdown


ip route 1x2.1x6.1x0.xx

I am stuck trying to get this to accept sip traffic from VLAN 20 on the network.  we see all the pings stopping directly at the adtran, other devices like, all on VLAN 20 are all pingable. 

this 908e acts as a SBC to the outside with the interface handing inside traffic to several pbx systems.   I have tried messing with the route and even adding as a route and that doesn't work

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2 Replies
Honored Contributor
Honored Contributor

Re: cannot route to interface of 908e across SDWAN

I don't see a route to 172.16.98.x/24 in the configuration. Is there a gateway on 172.16.21.x/24 to that subnet?

Not applicable

Re: cannot route to interface of 908e across SDWAN

Need to see the entire config.  Sounds like there are some pieces are missing.  If you are using it as an SBC then the devices on the 172.16.98.X network should not be talking to the public network at all they would be registering to the 908e and talking to it and it would then be acting as a B2UA and retransmit the voice to the carrier, which in that scenario the behavior you are seeing is expected.  If you are using it as a router then you need to configure NAT so that it will be able to translate the non routable IP of the inside network to the routable IP on the outside network.  In order to setup routing with NAT you will need to setup the IP Firewall create IP Policy Access rules, assign them to the interfaces, the one for the inside interface would have to have NAT source interface configured, but none of that is needed in the case of an SBC configuration.

John Wable