I am switching from a point to point t1 line and am having trouble with bringing the new Point to point thru Comcast Cable. What changes are need to be made or do I need a new Router.
Building configuration...
! ADTRAN, Inc. OS version R11.4.2
! Boot ROM version
! Platform: NetVanta 3200, part number 1203860G1
hostname "NetVanta3200_Main_PTP"
enable password MMFZ1815
clock timezone -5-Eastern-Time
ip subnet-zero
ip classless
ip routing
event-history on
no logging forwarding
no logging email
no ip firewall alg msn
no ip firewall alg mszone
no ip firewall alg h323
no dot11ap access-point-control
interface eth 0/1
ip address
no shutdown
interface t1 1/1
clock source internal
tdm-group 1 timeslots 1-24 speed 64
no shutdown
interface ppp 1
ip address
no shutdown
cross-connect 1 t1 1/1 1 ppp 1
ip route
ip route ppp 1
ip route
no tftp server
no tftp server overwrite
http server
no http secure-server
no snmp agent
no ip ftp server
no ip scp server
no ip sntp server
sip udp 5060
sip tcp 5060
Respectfully, you would be better served hiring a local Adtran reseller to do this work for you. The 3200 only has a single ethernet interface, so if your comcast actually is point to point, it will be delivered with an ethernet handoff. You will have to use a managed switch and 802.1q tagged sub interfaces to get it into that router. If your comcast connection is just a cablemodem, you could use a gre tunnel over a tagged interface but the software version in the config you posted doesn't have the E suffix, so you won't be able to set up vpn to encrypt the traffic. Your router would need the enhanced feature pack for that.
Respectfully, you would be better served hiring a local Adtran reseller to do this work for you. The 3200 only has a single ethernet interface, so if your comcast actually is point to point, it will be delivered with an ethernet handoff. You will have to use a managed switch and 802.1q tagged sub interfaces to get it into that router. If your comcast connection is just a cablemodem, you could use a gre tunnel over a tagged interface but the software version in the config you posted doesn't have the E suffix, so you won't be able to set up vpn to encrypt the traffic. Your router would need the enhanced feature pack for that.