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UC Server 5.3 BLF Question

I am in the process of setting up a new UC server install, we are running UC 5.3 with Polycom SoundPoint IP phones. I have taken one of the attendant phones and setup with BLF buttons for the main company contacts that she handles calls for. The status works fine, but what I cannot seem to figure out how is how to do a call pickup on a ringing line that is a BLF line. On the cisco system I have now, those line's are setup as shared line instances so the buttons on the attendant phone are just as much lines as on the users phone. On the UC system however, I cannot seem to get that to work. Don't really need the ability to place a call on one of those lines but I have got to figure out how to pick up a ringing one.

Can anybody point me in the right direction?


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5 Replies
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Re: UC Server 5.3 BLF Question


What you are referring to is Shared Line Appearance (SLA) which is not supported in the ECS. That feature is supported in our NetVanta 7100 SIP PBX but not the ECS.

The only way the person at the attendant phone can pick up a line for that ringing extension in ECS is to dial *78[Ext of ringing phone] or you could create an addition phone button for a Speed dial of *78[extension]. See image below regarding button #8. Both of these options will allow the attendant to pick up the phone.


speed dial.jpg

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Re: UC Server 5.3 BLF Question

Well lovely... So no real way to make it work on the ECS platform without burning two buttons? That's a bit of a problem as I already have two buttons short of a full side car with line the different lines.

Guess I am going to have to have a conversation with the sales guys as I told them about that need from the start.

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Re: UC Server 5.3 BLF Question

Correct, you will have to burn two buttons or have person dial *78..... to pick up the line.


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Re: UC Server 5.3 BLF Question

I need to correct myself, the feature you are looking for is not SLA but Enhanced BLF. With SLA, the extension will just ring both phones with incoming calls and user will not be able to see the status afterwards when the phone is off hook or not. With Enhanced BLF, you will see the status of that phone ringing/offhook but if you know someone is out of the office or was asked to cover for them you could take their calls.

Sorry for the incorrect information. This has been added as a feature request but has not been assigned as to a release yet.


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Re: UC Server 5.3 BLF Question

I went ahead and flagged this post as "Assumed Answered". If any of the responses on this thread assisted you, please mark them as Correct or Helpful as the case may be with the applicable buttons. This will make them visible and help other members of the community find solutions more easily. If you still need assistance, we would be more than happy to continue working with you on this - just let us know in a reply.

