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3rd Gen TotalAccess 908e v14 firmware licensing

I received a license activation code, and instructions to go to the link Https://  That link results in "The options entered were invalid"

When I look for the licensing options on the menu, it offers only AOS and another license, neither of which applies to my case.  

The instructions provided by AdTran do not work.  Anyone have a good step-by-step that actually works for activating this piece of equipment?

Of course, support won't help without a contract.

Thank you!

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13 Replies

Re: 3rd Gen TotalAccess 908e v14 firmware licensing


You are correct in the url in your message is incorrect, I will get that corrected in the instructions. The correct way is to log into your MyAdtran, like you did, and go to the "License a Product page" from there you WOULD generate an AOS license since the TA908e runs Adtran Operating System (AOS).

New Contributor

Re: 3rd Gen TotalAccess 908e v14 firmware licensing

Thank you, Brad.
Since no specific license server address was provided, I used the default and now the result of the license command is:
HOSTNAME#license activate <CODE HERE>
2025.03.13 12:05:53 HTTP_CLIENT SEND_HEADER errorCode 0
2025.03.13 12:05:53 No response from the server HTTP: Could not send initial message to HTTP server

I Also tried to use the provided GUI, but it's instructions also do not match what I am seeing on the portal.  It appears the portal has been updated and that team failed to tell anyone in the operational engineering section.

I have a customer down and would really like to get this unit working so I can place some trust in Adtran as a solution.

Re: 3rd Gen TotalAccess 908e v14 firmware licensing

I think I need some more details on what you are trying to do exactly.

What version of firmware is currently on the TA908e?

Are you trying to install SBC licensing?

Are you trying to just upgrade firmware?

New Contributor

Re: 3rd Gen TotalAccess 908e v14 firmware licensing

I have a 908e with 14.4.1e firmware.

I am trying to build it into a SIP > PRI gateway using Frontier as SIP host.

I have an activation code for LICENSE-IPBG SBC, 25 CALL


Re: 3rd Gen TotalAccess 908e v14 firmware licensing

Okay, SBC licensing is not typically needed for SIP to PRI, unless you are doing Media Anchoring. 

Since the auto licensing server did not work, lets try it the other way as described on Page 2 under the heading "GETTING STARTED WITH AOS FIRMWARE R11.8.0 OR LATER" in the linked document below. 

High level overview of process:

AOS license creation is a 3-step process from ( In order for anyone to work through the steps below, a My Adtran account will need to be created, if one doesn’t presently exist.


  1. Generate a license request key from the AOS device and apply to license generator interface
  2. Apply Adtran provided activation key to the activation key dialog box in the license generator interface
  3. Generate a license file that can then be uploaded to the AOS device.


For SIP to PRI examples you can refer to the following:


And lastly, Adtran does provide a ProStart installation/configuration per device option which you can purcahse that will include a dedicated project manager, dedicated engineer, data gathering, configuration, and a test and turn up of the services required for your specific scenario.



New Contributor

Re: 3rd Gen TotalAccess 908e v14 firmware licensing

Adtran advisor indicated that I would need a license for the number of channels I am using.

The license page doesn't match the guide, as previously indicated.  I get this:

and I don't see where on the website to upload this file.   It doesn't generate the key file indicated in the instructions.

New Contributor

Re: 3rd Gen TotalAccess 908e v14 firmware licensing

In its present state, it is not communicating out to the sip server.  I have good connectivity and can ping the SIP server, but it's not sending any traffic other than a ping request, thus the license requirement


Re: 3rd Gen TotalAccess 908e v14 firmware licensing

Can you please attach a copy of your configuration with private info redacted?
New Contributor

Re: 3rd Gen TotalAccess 908e v14 firmware licensing

Scrubbed config:
"XXX" in place of IP ranges, words or brackets over other sanitized data.

! ADTRAN, Inc. OS version R14.4.1.E
! Boot ROM version R10.9.3.B2
! Platform: Total Access 908e (3rd Gen), part number 4243908F2SCTL
! Serial number SERIAL
hostname "StJohn SIP>PRI"
enable password level 2 XXXXXXXXXX
ip subnet-zero
ip classless
ip default-gateway XXX.XXX.30.1
ip routing
ipv6 unicast-routing
domain-name "local"
name-server XXX.XXX.30.1 XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
no auto-config
event-history on
no logging forwarding
no logging email
portal-list "all" console ftp http-admin ssh telnet
no dot11ap access-point-control
interface eth 0/1
no ip address
interface eth 0/2
no ip address
interface gigabit-eth 0/1
description Gig_In
ip address XXX.XXX.30.10
no shutdown
media-gateway ip primary
interface t1 0/1
interface t1 0/2
interface t1 0/3
description Connection to Avaya
tdm-group 1 timeslots 1-24 speed 64
no shutdown
interface t1 0/4
interface pri 1
connect t1 0/3 tdm-group 1
no shutdown
interface fxs 0/1
no shutdown
interface fxs 0/2
no shutdown
interface fxs 0/3
no shutdown
interface fxs 0/4
no shutdown
interface fxs 0/5
no shutdown
interface fxs 0/6
no shutdown
interface fxs 0/7
no shutdown
interface fxs 0/8
no shutdown
interface fxo 0/0
no shutdown
isdn-group 1
max-channels 9
connect pri 1
no tftp server
no tftp server overwrite
http server
http session-limit 5
no http secure-server
no snmp agent
no ip ftp server
no ip scp server
no ip sntp server
sip udp 5060
no sip tcp
no sip tls
voice feature-mode network
voice forward-mode network
voice codec-list "<CARRIER> SIP"
codec g711ulaw
codec g729
voice trunk T01 type sip
description "<CARRIER> SIP connection"
sip-server primary XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
registrar primary XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
sip-header-passthrough both
outbound-proxy primary XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
max-number-calls 9
codec-list "<CARRIER> SIP" both
grammar request-uri host domain
grammar from host domain
grammar p-asserted-identity host domain
authentication username "USERNAME" password "PASSWORD"
voice trunk T02 type isdn
description "PRI to Avaya"
resource-selection circular descending
connect isdn-group 1
rtp delay-mode adaptive
voice grouped-trunk PRI
trunk T02
accept $ cost 0
voice grouped-trunk SIP
trunk T01
accept $ cost 0
line con 0
password PASSWORD
line telnet 0 4
no shutdown
line ssh 0 4
login local-userlist
no shutdown


Re: 3rd Gen TotalAccess 908e v14 firmware licensing

Nothing in your config requires the use of the SBC license so it is not the reason the calls are not passing to the SIP carrier. You need to run debugging to see why the SIP carrier is rejecting or why your call routing is not working.

debug sip stack messages
debug voice switchboard

The above debugs should point you in the right direction to resolve the issue.
New Contributor

Re: 3rd Gen TotalAccess 908e v14 firmware licensing

The problem is that it's not sending anything out.  Literally, watch the Wireshark and it's dead until I try to ping from it or into it.

New Contributor

Re: 3rd Gen TotalAccess 908e v14 firmware licensing


Re: 3rd Gen TotalAccess 908e v14 firmware licensing

Refer to my comment above about the debugging.