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Web GUI Issues - Cannot Access Voice>User Accounts on 10.5.2.E

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We ran into an issue with two separate TA924 units today that are running 10.5.2.E code and according to some of the other technicians they have seen this issue with other code bases as well as this one. We stage the Adtran's prior to installation and did not see the issue at that time.


After successfully logging into the TA924 Web GUI via TACACS if you select the Voice>User Account> you see a message in the modify/Delete table that says "Please wait building subscriber list". When you click on a subscribers last name after the list has populated you see the screen fade and a "Loading" message appear. This "Loading" message just stays on the screen indefinably (see Web Hangup 1).

This was duplicated on multiple machines during the install today both onsite and across the WAN and with multiple OS's and browser types.

Windows 7 - IE10 and FF22.0

Mac 10.8.4 - FF21.0 and safari 6.0.5

Linux Ubuntu 13.04 Chromium 25.0.1364.160

Troubleshooting Performed so far:

    Rebooted TA924 - Still fails

    Disabled http and http secure server and then re-enabled - still fails

We recently settled on 10.5.2.E as our standard firmware based and in reading the release notes for newer releases I do not see any mention of this issue or a potential fix. Has anyone else ran into this issue with any code release and not having a particular part of the GUI show up? All CLI functions work normally and we were able to configure the Adtran for the customer.

Thanks in advance for any assistance provided,


I ran some commands to show the system resource usage (see below) and if needed I can run debug commands to troubleshoot further.

hostname#sh system

ADTRAN, Inc. OS version R10.5.2.E

  Checksum: 91BDF1C9, built on Wed Apr 10 15:09:23 2013

Hardware version DSP7119-2ndGen

Boot ROM version 14.04.00

  Checksum: 8549, built on: Wed Apr 11 15:24:20 2007

Copyright (c) 1999-2007, ADTRAN, Inc.

Platform: Total Access 924 (2nd Gen), part number 4212924L1

Serial number CFG1125214

Flash: 33554432 bytes  DRAM: 67108863 bytes

hostname uptime is 0 days, 0 hours, 9 minutes, 55 seconds

System returned to ROM by Warm Start

Current system image file is ""

Boot system image file is ""

Power Source:  AC

System primary clock source configuration:   t1 0/1 (Interface is shutdown)

System secondary clock source configuration: t1 0/2 (Interface is shutdown)

System current active clock source:          INTERNAL

hostname#sh buffers

Buffer handles:  174 of 2000 used.

Pool        Size       Total        Used   Available   Max. Used

0           2100        1894         174        1720         229

1           2048          64           0          64           0

2           4096          32           0          32           0

3           8192           4           0           4           0

4          16384           2           0           2           0

5          32768           2           0           2           0

6          66560           2           0           2           0

hostname#sh processes cpu

System load: 1sec:13.76%  1min:26.76%  5min:33.58%  Min: 0.00%  Max: 100.00%

Context switch load: 0.70%

                                      Invoked  Exec Time    Runtime    Load %%

Task Id    Task Name        PRI STA   (count)     (usec)     (usec)     (1sec)

1          Idle               0 W      262404        995     855399      85.54

3          PC Config          7 S       65590        839      30951       3.10

4          PacketRouting     38 W       49266         27      14674       1.47

5          Timer             39 W      148214         15       9277       0.93

6          CallControlQue~   32 W        1263          8          0       0.00

7          Thread Pool        4 W         124        555          0       0.00

8          Timer-00          10 W      305483          3       3574       0.36

9          Nm01               5 W           0    7600613          0       0.00

10         Driver Control     8 W        1053         46          0       0.00

11         VOX               39 W      131688        193      47584       4.76

12         FrontPanel        37 W        7524        140       2335       0.23

13         con0              39 W         429         14          0       0.00

14         ICP Session        8 W          38         38          0       0.00

15         RouteTableTick     6 W         482        122        122       0.01

16         OSPF               6 W         341        133        133       0.01

17         IGMPTick           6 W         309         65         65       0.01

18         IGMP-Receiver      6 W           0     296386          0       0.00

19         IP Events         24 W        2995        199       2046       0.20

20         tcptimer          22 W        3206         13        235       0.02

21         tcpinp            22 W        7183        261       4470       0.45

22         tcpout            22 W       15320         46       5368       0.54

23         PhoneManagerQu~   35 W       12090         26       1747       0.17

24         SIP_Stack         33 W         365        135        135       0.01

25         MgcpActiveQueue   34 W           0        258          0       0.00

26         DnsClient         16 W         192         66          0       0.00

27         DnsProxy          16 W          74         87          0       0.00

28         DnsTable          16 W          73         17          0       0.00

29         WWW               19 W       38834       1192          0       0.00

30         Port Manager       9 W        6383         41        774       0.08

31         eth 0/0           39 W           3         81          0       0.00

32         FramerBaseThre~   21 W       36953          9        789       0.08

33         FramerBaseThre~   21 W       36915         11       1070       0.11

34         VoipDspCapture     1 W           0      17562          0       0.00

35         eth 0/1           39 W       13757          5       1660       0.17

36         SnmpThread         6 R       11049         58       2893       0.29

37         IKE                6 W          51        116          0       0.00

38         IPSecKeyGen        4 W           0     123430          0       0.00

39         SCEP               6 W           0     115602          0       0.00

40         MediaConnectio~   34 W         580       2454       2454       0.25

41         FTPServer List~    5 W           1        700          0       0.00

42         SMTP Client       16 W           0        226          0       0.00

43         SNTP Client       19 W          11        736          0       0.00

44         CLIInjectQ         6 W           0      25164          0       0.00

46         RipOut             6 W         293         12         12       0.00

47         RipIn              6 W           0      21492          0       0.00

48         RSTP              37 W       77901         28       4954       0.50

49         IsdnStackQueue    34 W          42          7          0       0.00

50         MTEX              55 W           0       1361          0       0.00

51         MTEX              55 W           0       1115          0       0.00

52         MTEX              55 W           0        962          0       0.00

53         MTEX              55 W           0        622          0       0.00

54         MTEX              55 W           0        397          0       0.00

55         UDP Relay         19 W           1        169          0       0.00

56         Flow Meter Log~   17 W         404         56         74       0.01

57         SNTP Server       19 W           1        386          0       0.00

59         AUTOLINKQ          4 W           0    5179157          0       0.00

60         HttpClientQ        6 W           0        227          0       0.00

61         RvSipProc0        34 W           2        131          0       0.00

62         UDP In            36 W         119        147          0       0.00

69         PacketCapture      4 W         128         78        155       0.02

70         DHCP Server       29 W           0        413          0       0.00

71         TWAMP-Control      6 W           0     284770          0       0.00

72         TWAMP-Test        16 W           1         33          0       0.00

hostname#sh processes history

  CurrentTime  Task Name


       415974  PC Config          

       415974  Timer-00           

       415974  RSTP               

       415974  VOX                

       415974  Timer              

       415973  Idle               

       415973  Timer-00           

       415972  Idle               

       415972  Timer-00           

       415971  Idle               

       415971  Timer-00           

       415970  Idle               

       415970  Timer-00           

       415969  Idle               

       415969  Timer-00           

       415969  RSTP               

hostname#sh processes queue

Queue                          Max Depth (%)

------------------------------ -------------

PC Config                                  9

PacketRouting                             43

CallControlQueue                           0

Driver Control                             3

VOX                                        7

FrontPanel                                 0

ICP Session                                0

RouteTableTick                             2

OSPF                                       1

IP Events                                  6

PhoneManagerQueue                          0

MgcpActiveQueue                            0

VoipDspCapture                             0

IKE                                        0

IPSecKeyGen                                0

MediaConnectionQueue                       0

CLIInjectQ                                 0

RSTP                                       0

IsdnStackQueue                             0

Flow Meter Logging                         0

AUTOLINKQ                                  0

HttpClientQ                                0

UDP In                                     0

PacketCapture                              0

hostname#sh processes stack

Id         Task                    Usage  

1          Idle                     0/8192

3          PC Config             3656/8000

4          PacketRouting          740/4000

5          Timer                  116/2000

6          CallControlQueue       320/2048

7          Thread Pool            556/2000

8          Timer-00                98/2048

9          Nm01                    64/2048

10         Driver Control         216/2048

11         VOX                    252/2048

12         FrontPanel             156/2000

13         con0                    80/2000

14         ICP Session            106/8000

15         RouteTableTick         242/2000

16         OSPF                   182/2000

17         IGMPTick               110/2000

18         IGMP-Receiver           94/2000

19         IP Events              186/2000

20         tcptimer               124/4080

21         tcpinp                 768/4080

22         tcpout                 288/4080

23         PhoneManagerQueue      714/8192

24         SIP_Stack             1072/8192

25         MgcpActiveQueue         86/2000

26         DnsClient             1326/3000

27         DnsProxy               300/3000

28         DnsTable               104/3000

29         WWW                   2258/6144

30         Port Manager           118/2000

31         eth 0/0                 90/2000

32         FramerBaseThread       118/2000

33         FramerBaseThread       118/2000

34         VoipDspCapture          86/2000

35         eth 0/1                154/2000

36         SnmpThread             162/2000

37         IKE                    340/6000

38         IPSecKeyGen             86/4000

39         SCEP                   470/4000

40         MediaConnectionQueue   134/8192

41         FTPServer Listener     278/2000

42         SMTP Client             82/2000

43         SNTP Client            386/2000

44         CLIInjectQ              86/2000

46         RipOut                 338/2000

47         RipIn                  390/2000

48         RSTP                   278/4000

49         IsdnStackQueue         136/2048

50         MTEX                    66/2048

51         MTEX                    66/2048

52         MTEX                    66/2048

53         MTEX                    66/2048

54         MTEX                    66/2048

55         UDP Relay              730/2000

56         Flow Meter Logging     204/8000

57         SNTP Server            218/2000

59         AUTOLINKQ               86/2048

60         HttpClientQ             86/2048

61         RvSipProc0              98/10208

62         UDP In                 290/2000

69         PacketCapture          252/2048

70         DHCP Server            650/2000

71         TWAMP-Control          150/2000

72         TWAMP-Test             150/2000

hostname#sh flash


(dir)      1024 coeff

           7182 startup-config

           6948 startup-config.bak


(dir)      1024 Tones

24907644 bytes used, 6732771 available, 31640415 total

hostname#sh memory heap

Memory Heap:

  HeapFree:   17562608

  HeapSize:   36350960

Block Managers:

  Mgr         Size        Used        Free    Max-Used    Overhead

           (bytes)    (blocks)    (blocks)    (blocks)     (bytes)

  0             16        7802         564        8366      133856

  1             48       11672        1905       13577      217232

  2            112        4388         206        4594       73504

  3            240         557          17         574        9184

  4            496        1859          24        1883       30128

  5           1008         270          12         282        4512

  6           2032         320           8         328        5248

  7           4080          56          20          76        1216

  8           8176          73          11          84        1344

  9          16368          31          20          51         816

  10         32752          13           3          16         256

  11         65520          12           3          15         240

  12        131056           2           2           4          64

  13        262128           1           0           1          16

  14        524272           0           0           0           0

  15       1048560           0           0           0           0

  16       2097136           0           0           0           0

  17       4194288           0           0           0           0

  18       8388592           0           0           0           0

  19      16777200           0           0           0           0

  Total Overhead (bytes):     477616

  Total Used (bytes):        6223680

  Total Free (bytes):        1223696

hostname#sh memory uncached-heap

Manager        Free   Max Used      Limit     Allocs   Failures      Frees

32                0          0          0          0          0          0

64                0          0          0          0          0          0

128               0          0          0          0          0          0

256               0          0          0          0          0          0

512               0          0          0          0          0          0

1024              0          0          0          0          0          0

2048              0          0          0          0          0          0

4096              0          0          0          0          0          0

8192              0          0          0          0          0          0

16384             0          0          0          0          0          0

32768             0          0          0          0          0          0

65536             0          0          0          0          0          0

131072            0          0          0          0          0          0

262144            0          0          0          0          0          0

524288            0          0          0          0          0          0

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Re: Web GUI Issues - Cannot Access Voice>User Accounts on 10.5.2.E

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Hello and thanks for posting to our forum.

The issue you have run into has been reported and we are working on a fix.  In the release notes for R10.5.3, this issue is listed in the errata:

Modifying a voice user through an IP business gateway's Voice > User Accounts GUI menu perpetually displays the Loading message.

Let me know if you have any additional questions.



View solution in original post

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10 Replies
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Re: Web GUI Issues - Cannot Access Voice>User Accounts on 10.5.2.E

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Hello and thanks for posting to our forum.

The issue you have run into has been reported and we are working on a fix.  In the release notes for R10.5.3, this issue is listed in the errata:

Modifying a voice user through an IP business gateway's Voice > User Accounts GUI menu perpetually displays the Loading message.

Let me know if you have any additional questions.



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Not applicable

Re: Web GUI Issues - Cannot Access Voice>User Accounts on 10.5.2.E

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Thanks for the quick response geo!

Do you happen to know if an older code release does not have this issue that we can revert to in the mean time? The majority of our voice line provisioners only use the GUI and have not been trained on the CLI yet.



Not applicable

Re: Web GUI Issues - Cannot Access Voice>User Accounts on 10.5.2.E

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Hello Blake,

It looks like R10.5.0 should be OK but you will see it in later versions of R10.5 and higher.  What version were you running prior to R10.5.2?



Not applicable

Re: Web GUI Issues - Cannot Access Voice>User Accounts on 10.5.2.E

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Hello Blake,

I went ahead and flagged this post as "Correct."  If you still need assistance, we would be more than happy to continue working with you on this - just let us know in a reply.



Not applicable

Re: Web GUI Issues - Cannot Access Voice>User Accounts on 10.5.2.E

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I just read the release notes for 10.9 and noticed that they say it is fixed in this release. I have this release loaded on a test unit and will verify before moving 10.9 into production.


Not applicable

Re: Web GUI Issues - Cannot Access Voice>User Accounts on 10.5.2.E

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10.5.3 did not fix this. It may have been addressed in the release notes for this update, but the voice users continue to get stuck on loading in the gui.

Not applicable

Re: Web GUI Issues - Cannot Access Voice>User Accounts on 10.5.2.E

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I have been running 10.9.0.E on my office unit for 4 weeks now and have not had the same issue with the Web UI and Voice tab.



Re: Web GUI Issues - Cannot Access Voice>User Accounts on 10.5.2.E

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Was running 10.5.3 and now get the Loading... message.  Updated to 11.4.3 and still get the same with IE, FireFox.  Any know date for fix?

Not applicable

Re: Web GUI Issues - Cannot Access Voice>User Accounts on 10.5.2.E

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In firefox try Ctrl-F5

Re: Web GUI Issues - Cannot Access Voice>User Accounts on 10.5.2.E

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Thanks for the comeback.  I did that in both IE and FireFox, it worked in both.