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7100 to 7100

We have two locations currently using NetVanta 7100's that work fine.  Users at each location can 4 digit dial each other over the VPN with no problem.

A third 7100 at a new location has been deployed and everything but the interoffice dialing is working on this device.  IPSec connectivity is good between the 3 locations, all subnets reachable between the 7100's.  Trunk Accounts & Groups on each NetVanta is basically identical aside from destination SIP server IP address.  "Reject External" option Trunk Account option is checked for all locations, this has never prevented Site's A & B from communicating.


Site A & B can interoffice dial to each other and to Site C(New 7100).  Site C cannot interoffice dial to Site A or B.

Debug voice verbose:

17:05:46.729 PM.2212 Ca:0 SipPM_Idle           call-leg (P:0x546df90 S:0x0) -> Offering (Remote Inviting)

17:05:46.729 PM.2212 Ca:0 SipPM_Idle           rcvd: INVITE

17:05:46.730 PM.2212 Ca:0 State change      >> SipPM_Idle->SipPM_Trying

17:05:46.730 PM.2212 Ca:0 Looking up source address for destination

17:05:46.730 PM.2212 Ca:0 call-leg (0x546df90) -> src: : 5060  dst: : 5060

17:05:46.735 PM.2212 Ca:0 SipPM_Trying         sent: 100 Trying

17:05:46.738 PM.2212 Ca:0 SipPM_Trying         sent: SA->Appearance On

17:05:46.738 SA.2212 Ca:0 Idle                 rcvd: AcctPhoneMgr_appearance(ON) from PM

17:05:46.739 SA.2212 Ca:0 Idle                 State change      >> Idle->DigitGathering (CAS_ReqDigits)

17:05:46.739 SA.2212 Ca:0 DigitGathering       sent: AcctPhoneMgr_cachg(CAS_ReqDigits) to PM

17:05:46.739 PM.2212 Ca:0 State change      >> SipPM_Trying->SipPM_Pending

17:05:46.739 PM.2212 Ca:0 SipPM_Pending        sent: SA->Dial Digit

17:05:46.739 SA.2212 Ca:0 DigitGathering       rcvd: AcctPhoneMgr_dialDigit(2001#) from PM

17:05:46.740 SA.2212 Ca:0 DigitGathering       Named-digit-timeout waiting 0 seconds for more digits

17:05:46.740 SA.2212 Ca:0 DigitGathering       State change      >> DigitGathering->DigitGathering (CAS_Active)

17:05:46.740 SA.2212 Ca:0 DigitGathering       sent: AcctPhoneMgr_cachg(CAS_Active) to PM

17:05:46.741 SA.2212 Ca:0 DigitGathering       sent: call to SB

17:05:46.741 SA.2212 Ca:0 DigitGathering       State change      >> DigitGathering->CallPending (CAS_Active)

17:05:46.741 SB.CALL 2213 Idle                 Called the call routine with 2001

17:05:46 SB.TGMgr For dialed number 2001, against template 20XX, on TrunkGroup SIP CORPORATE-BOCA, the score is 3000

17:05:46.742 SB.CALL 2213 Idle                 No LOCAL station matched dialed number (2001)

17:05:46.742 SB.CCM isMappable:

17:05:46.742 SB.CCM  :  Call Struct 0x3f52010 :   Call-ID = 2213

17:05:46.742 SB.CCM  :  Org Acct = 2212    Dst Acct = T02

17:05:46.743 SB.CCM  :  Org Port ID = SipPhone 0/0   Dst Port ID = unknown 0/0

17:05:46.743 SB.CCM  :  SDP Transaction = CallID: 2213

17:05:46.743 SB.CCM  :  SDP Offer = 0x03deed10, (

17:05:46.743 SB.CCM isMappable: Call Connection Type is RTP_TO_RTP

17:05:46.744 SB.CCM handleRtpToRtp: Modifying SDP Offer

17:05:46.745 SB.CCM translateOffer: offer codec list: G722 PCMU PCMA G729

17:05:46.745 SB.CCM translateOffer: revised offer codec list: PCMU G729

17:05:46.746 SB.CCM translateOffer: codec list after answerer: PCMU G729

17:05:46.746 SB.CCM translateOffer: DTMF signaling: answerer has no restrictions configured, passing offer(NTE 101) through

17:05:46.747 SB.CCM translateOffer: success

17:05:46.747 SB.CALL 2213 Idle                 Call sent from 2212 to T02 (2001)

17:05:46.748 SB.CALL 2213 State change      >> Idle->Delivering

17:05:46.748 SA.2212 Ca:0 CallPending          rcvd: callResponse from SB

17:05:46.748 SA.2212 Ca:0 CallPending          State change      >> CallPending->Calling (CAS_Active)

17:05:46.748 TA.T02 05 State change      >> TAIdle->TAOutGoing (TAS_Delivering)

17:05:46.749 TM.T02 05 SipTM_Idle           State change      >> SipTM_Idle->Delivering

17:05:46.749 TM.T02 05 Delivering           Applying E.164 settings to called party number (2001)

17:05:46.749 TM.T02 05 Delivering           Skipping E.164 conversion due to voice international-prefix setting

17:05:46.749 TM.T02 05 Delivering           Applying E.164 settings to calling party number (2212)

17:05:46.750 TM.T02 05 Delivering           From user grammar setting is: domestic

17:05:46.750 TM.T02 05 Delivering           Skipping E.164 conversion due to From user grammar setting

17:05:46.750 TM.T02 05 Looking up source address for destination

17:05:46.750 TM.T02 05 call-leg (0x546db30) -> src: : 5060  dst: : 5060

17:05:46.751 TM.T02 05 SDP DPI call ID 2213 : No media bin.

17:05:46.751 TM.T02 05 Processing new SDP entries.

17:05:46.752 TM.T02 05 Checking for internal Media Gateway IP Address

17:05:46.752 TM.T02 05 RTP Channel is NULL, Media Gateway must not be involved in call

17:05:46.752 TM.T02 05 Undo of previous operation not required (RTP NAT Entry for not found)

17:05:46.752 TM.T02 05 Checking for internal Media Gateway IP Address

17:05:46.752 TM.T02 05 Given RTP Channel is null, checking for hairpinned RTP Channel

17:05:46.752 TM.T02 05 RTP Channel is NULL, Media Gateway must not be involved in call

17:05:46.753 TM.T02 05 No action taken, IPv4 firewall is not enabled

17:05:46.755 TM.T02 05 Delivering           call-leg -> Inviting

17:05:46.755 TM.T02 05 Delivering           sent: INVITE

17:05:46.756 SB.CALL 2213 Delivering           Called the deliverResponse routine from Delivering

17:05:46.756 SB.CALL 2213 Delivering           DeliverResponse(accept) sent from T02 to 2212

17:05:46.756 SA.2212 Ca:0 Calling              rcvd: deliverResponse from SB

17:05:46.756 SA.2212 Ca:0 Calling              sent: AcctPhoneMgr_info to PM

17:05:46.757 PM.2212 Ca:0 SipPM_Pending        warn: AcctPhoneMgr_info

17:05:46.780 TM.T02 05 Delivering           rcvd SIP call-leg response: 404 Not Found

17:05:46.782 TM.T02 05 Delivering           call-leg -> Disconnected

17:05:46.782 TM.T02 05 Delivering           State change      >> Delivering->SipTM_Closing

17:05:46.782 TM.T02 05 SipTM_Closing        sent: TA->Clear

17:05:46.782 TM.T02 05 SipTM_Closing        call-leg -> Terminated

17:05:46.783 TA.T02 05 TAOutGoing           rcvd: clear from TM

17:05:46.783 TA.T02 05 State change      >> TAOutGoing->TATrunkClearing (TAS_Clearing)

17:05:46.783 TM.T02 05 SipTM_Closing        tachg -> TATrunkClearing

17:05:46.784 TM.T02 05 SipTM_Closing        State change      >> SipTM_Closing->SipTM_Terminated

17:05:46.784 TM.T02 05 SipTM_Terminated     sent: TA->AppearanceOff

17:05:46.784 TM.T02 05 SipTM_Terminated     State change      >> SipTM_Terminated->SipTM_Idle

17:05:46.784 SB.CALL 2213 Delivering           Called the clearCall routine

17:05:46.784 SB.CALL 2213 Delivering           No available resources on call from 2212 to T02 (last attempt)

17:05:46.785 SB.CALL 2213 State change      >> Delivering->Clearing

17:05:46.785 TA.T02 05 TATrunkClearing      rcvd: appearance off from TM

17:05:46.785 TA.T02 05 State change      >> TATrunkClearing->TAClearingComplete (TAS_Clearing)

17:05:46.785 TA.T02 05 TATrunkClearing      Processing an appearance OFF

17:05:46.785 SA.2212 Ca:0 Calling              rcvd: clearCall from SB

17:05:46.785 SA.2212 Ca:0 Calling              sent: clearResponse(pass) to SB

17:05:46.786 SA.2212 Ca:0 Calling              State change      >> Calling->Idle (CAS_Idle)

17:05:46.786 SA.2212 Ca:0 Idle                 sent: AcctPhoneMgr_cachg(CAS_Idle) to PM

17:05:46.787 PM.2212 Ca:0 SipPM_Pending        call-leg (P:0x546df90 S:0x0) -> Disconnected (Local Reject)

17:05:46.788 PM.2212 Ca:0 SipPM_Pending        CallLegStateChanged to Disconnected.

17:05:46.788 PM.2212 Ca:0 State change      >> SipPM_Pending->SipPM_Closing

17:05:46.788 PM.2212 Ca:0 SipPM_Closing        sent: SA->Appearance Off

17:05:46.788 PM.2212 Ca:0 Call Failed: rejecting with 404, result = 1

17:05:46.788 PM.2212 Ca:0 State change      >> SipPM_Closing->SipPM_Terminated

17:05:46.789 PM.2212 Ca:0 State change      >> SipPM_Terminated->SipPM_Idle

17:05:46.789 SB.CALL 2213 Clearing             Called the clearResponse routine

17:05:46.789 SB.CALL 2213 State change      >> Clearing->CallIdlePending

17:05:46.790 SB.CCM release:

17:05:46.791 SB.CCM  :  Call Struct 0x3f52010 :   Call-ID = 2213

17:05:46.791 SB.CCM  :  Org Acct = 2212    Dst Acct = T02

17:05:46.791 SB.CCM  :  Org Port ID = SipPhone 0/0   Dst Port ID = SipTrunk 0/0.68

17:05:46.791 SB.CCM  :  SDP Transaction = CallID: 2213

17:05:46.791 SB.CCM  :  SDP Offer = 0x03deed10, (

17:05:46.792 SB.CCM release: Call Connection Type is RTP_TO_RTP

17:05:46.792 SB.CALL 2213 CallIdlePending      ClearResponse sent from 2212 to T02

17:05:46.792 SA.2212 Ca:0 Idle                 rcvd: AcctPhoneMgr_appearance(OFF) from PM

17:05:46.792 SA.2212 Ca:0 Idle                 sent: AcctPhoneMgr_cachg(CAS_Idle) to PM

17:05:46.792 PM.2212 Ca:0 SipPM_Idle           Unexpected CAS State

17:05:46.793 TA.T02 05 TAClearingComplete   clearResponse event accepted

17:05:46.793 TA.T02 05 TAClearingComplete   Clear Local Variables

17:05:46.793 TA.T02 05 State change      >> TAClearingComplete->TAIdle (TAS_Idle)

17:05:46.793 TM.T02 05 SipTM_Idle           tachg -> TAIdle

2017.08.30 17:05:47 SMDR 2213       08/30/2017 17:05:46      0.0 0    I  00/00 Mike Mundy      2212            00/00 T02             2001            0 N

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Honored Contributor

Re: 7100 to 7100

"17:05:46.747 SB.CALL 2213 Idle Call sent from 2212 to T02 (2001)"

"17:05:46.780 TM.T02 05 Delivering       rcvd SIP call-leg response: 404 Not Found"

Do you have the voice grouped-trunks configured correctly to allow the digit patterns on the appropriate trunks?

In this example, is T02 the correct trunk to reach Site C (assuming that you're originating from A or B)?

Each site will need a minimum of two SIP trunks with grouped-trunk configurations for the other two sites, with matching digit patterns specified of the extensions at that site. You may also need other trunks or patterns to reach the PSTN.